Home 528 Frequency Horowitz Battles Pfizer Over Genocide Discovery

Horowitz Battles Pfizer Over Genocide Discovery

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Release: No. 2 PFIZER/MODERNA lawsuit

Date Mailed: March 13, 2020

For Immediate Release

Contact: Editor—310-877-3002; Editor@MedicalVeritas.org

Horowitz Battles Pfizer Over Genocide Discovery

Ft Myers, FL (3-13-20; MedicalVeritas.org)—The author of the world’s best-selling oldest-running book in the field of emerging viruses and communicable diseases, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, is battling the Pfizer drug company and its affiliates for concealing evidence proving a conspiracy involving U.S. military agents, agencies, and their media, committing civil rights abuses against religious leaders for prompting ‘vaccination hesitancy’ that is considered a risk to U.S. National Security.

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Home · OxySilverHorowitz filed his lawsuit against Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccine makers, their advertisers, and distributors in early December, 2020. He claims corrupted science, genetically-engineered viruses, and DNA corrupting mRNA vaccines, risks people’s health and safety, and has damaged him personally.

Dr. Horowitz claims the defendants have committed unfair competition, deceptive trade, and religious freedom deprivations against him and his colleagues.

The Harvard-trained public health scholar is also a Levitical priest advocating for The Royal Bloodline of David. He is suing to secure his right to compete against the drug cartel using more natural products based on Bible laws and a Bible code decryption. Advocating for “religious commerce,” he pioneered a competing anti-microbial called “OxySilverTM with 528” and advertises it as a “Holy Water.” The “528Hz frequency wave” has been shown in scientific studies to positively impact mRNA function and DNA gene expression. That gives the doctor “standing” to bring the claim of “tortious interference” with religious commerce that competes directly against risky vaccines and antibiotics.

The drug syndicate’s advertisers, including Hearst, Conde Naste, and Forbes, smeared the doctor and his OxySilver product in national publications.

Consequently, Horowitz is asking the court for immediate “discovery” to prevent more “irreparable harm” by revealing the syndicate’s underlying scheme to target religious leaders advancing “vaccination hesitancy” that officials advancing the public/private alliance claim undermines bio-defenses and U.S. National Security.

“Since 2016, with the passage of the National Biodefense Strategy Act,” Dr. Horowitz explained, “when Hearst defamed me and Dr. Andrew Wakefield for our vaccination risk-awareness activism, defamatory media attacks increased.

“Wakefield advanced the film VAXXED, and I produced UN-VAXXED: A Docu-commentary for Robert de Niro. My film won five international awards, including ‘Best Film-2016” ‘at the World International Film Festival in London and Geneva for revealing the U.S. Military connections to the National Security Agency’s (“NSA”) covert ‘vaccine hesitancy’ strategy.

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“Col. Stanley McChrystal’s group was commissioned to defeat all opposition to ‘herd immunity,” especially religious opposition. My opposition was supported by Obama’s minister, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. That put me on the drug cartel’s covert action ‘hit list.’ Rev. Wright blamed the U.S. Government for HIV/AIDS and cited my research as evidence. He recommended my best-selling book on CNN as convincing evidence, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola—Nature, Accident or Intentional?.”

The doctor’s lawsuit brings claims for unfair and deceptive trade, civil rights violations, and religious freedom deprivation by Pfizer, Hearst, and others. Advocating for consumer health and safety, Dr. Horowitz added claims for “civil conspiracy” and “tortuous interference” with his religious commerce damaging his ministry’s sales of “OxySilverTM with 528.”

Scientific studies prove OxySilverTM is a powerful anti-viral, broad-spectrum anti-bacterial, and immune-boosting anti-oxidant that competes against the large corporations that smeared Horowitz and his products to discourage consumers and monopolize the markets.

Lab analyses prove the “528 wave” alone, used in homeopathic medicines worldwide due to Dr. Horowitz’s pioneering works, protects nerve cells from alcohol damage. The “green wave” also increased anti-oxidant activity 100% to combat infectious diseases.

A 2019 study published in Genes & Genomics concluded that the frequency of 528 Hz increased testosterone levels and reduced the “total concentration of reactive oxidative species in brain tissue. Prolonged exposure to this sound wave showed reduction of anxiety related behaviors in rats. The results reveal that reduced anxiety is related to [exposure to frequency 528Hz and] increased concentration of testosterone in the brain. This study may lead to ascertain a possible therapy in which sounds may be utilized to reduce anxiety in individuals.” Horowitz has been advancing such therapies for decades.

For these reasons, the doctor has requested discovery from top Pfizer officials who spun-off companies for “Frequency Therapeutics.” This competitive commercial interest in therapies relying similarly on sound and light signaling. This best explains why Pfizer’s allied media has smeared Dr. Horowitz’s “528 industry” and “LOVE528 Revolution” in international publications. That’s aside from disparaging him personally for his religious beliefs, professional contributions, and vaccination risk whistle-blowing.

A copy of Dr. Horowitz’s opposition to Pfizer’s efforts to block discovery is available HERE; and a downloadable copy of his complaint is available HERE.



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