(MedicalVeritas.org; August 18, 2021)–World-leading vaccination critic, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, was hospitalized on August 6, 2021 for pneumonia and multiple microbial mutations prompting asthma-like symptoms and acute respiratory distress (ARDS) caused by the Pfizer/Moderna/DARPA ‘synthetic’ antigen, according to government records filed by the doctor in the U.S. Federal Court of Middle District, Florida on August 18, 2021.
Dr. Horowitz had recovered in October, 2020 from the presumed “COVID-19” infection prompting ‘natural immunity’ to the ‘synthetic antigen’ commonly misrepresented as COVID-19.
The doctor’s initial exposure, sensitization, and immune response (akin to a hyper-sensitization reaction in the lungs) was like an allergic reaction to foreign protein antigens, like pollen or dust, causing respiratory symptoms like asthma. In this case, however, the “spike protein antigen/immunogen” was the “dual-use” (i.e., military/commercial) “gain-of-function” bioweapon wrecking havoc with cell-mediated immunity in people worldwide.
Dr. Horowitz, who is suing Pfizer and Moderna for lying about their vaccines’ “safety,” informed the court:
Chief among Plaintiff’s claims of deceptive safety advertising is the now well-evidenced fact that the PFIZER/MODERNA/DARPA “NOVEL” SPIKE-PROTEIN ANTIGEN IS THE “DUAL USE” SYNTHETIC “GAIN-OF-FUNCTION” BIOWEAPON WRECKING HAVOC ON THE WORLD UNDER THE BRAND CALLED “COVID”.
Dr. Horowitz’s pneumonia and resurgence of respiratory symptoms prompting hospitalization followed his exposure from vaccinated healthcare professionals with whom he repeatedly came in contact.

I. ANALYSIS PART I: What is happening in our lungs with COVID?
A. What is Happening Deep in the Lungs?
“Moving down the airway, the mucosal epithelium gets thinner . . . . There are only a few cilia and no mucus-producing cells in the bronchioles, so any airborne debris is removed by macrophages in the alveoli or coughed out.” [Emphasis added.]
“The term ‘acute’ appears in the name of ARDS, because the condition arises from a recent injury to the lungs. It is characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the lungs and below-normal levels of oxygen in the blood (the medical term for this is hypoxemia).
While a variety of medical conditions may lead to ARDS, at a microscopic level they all result in damage to air sacs in the lungs (called alveoli) and the tiny neighboring blood vessels (called capillaries).
The average person has close to 500 million alveoli in their lungs, each of which is responsible for performing two critical tasks—transporting oxygen into the blood in the capillaries and removing carbon dioxide from the blood. (All of our tissues and organs need a constant supply of oxygen-rich blood to stay healthy.)
Damage to the alveoli and neighboring capillaries reduces the ability of the lungs to send oxygen into the blood. This happens because the lung injury causes fluid to leak into the spaces between the capillaries and the alveoli. Pressure on the alveoli increases, and eventually fluid gets in there, too. This is what gives ARDS its characteristic trait—accumulation of fluid in the lungs, causing the alveoli to collapse. This leads to a series of cascading problems, each further decreasing the lungs’ capacity to move oxygen into the blood, directly impacting the body’s tissues and organs. [Bold emphasis added.]
I added the bold emphasis above because it is this “fluid” and/or this “mucous” that is central to suffocating, dying, or surviving using self-help and anti-histamine therapies detailed below.
What’s more, ARDS also triggers an immune response. The injury causes a release of cytokines—a type of inflammatory protein—which then bring neutrophils, a type of white blood cell, to the lung. But problems arise when some of these proteins and cells leak into nearby blood vessels and, via the circulatory system, are sent throughout the body, causing inflammation in other organs. This inflammation, in combination with low levels of blood oxygen, can lead to such problems as organ failure and sometimes multiple organ failure. . . .
ARDS is a serious condition. Even with treatment, about 25% to 40% of people with ARDS do not survive.
In general, people with ARDS caused by direct lung injury have worse outcomes than those with indirect causes of lung injury. Other issues that can have a negative effect on outcome include advanced age and certain chronic medical conditions, including liver disease, cirrhosis, alcohol abuse, and long-term immunosuppression.
While the mortality rate for ARDS is significant, recent advances in treatment have significantly increased the chances of survival and recovery. Patients who survive ARDS typically require some form of physical therapy to rebuild muscle tone. [This “muscle tone” refers to the ‘breathing muscles’ including the smooth muscles in the blood vessels of the lung.] Most people who survive ARDS go on to recover their normal or close to normal lung function within six months to a year. [Emphasis added. The fastest way to recover is by following the self-care exercises, nutritional recommendations, and anti-histamine remedies detailed below.]
“Others may not do as well,” Yale officials advise, “particularly if their illness was caused by severe lung damage or their treatment entailed long-term use of a ventilator. [Underline emphasis added, to have you consider on Dr. Sidell’s warnings as evidenced below.] Their reduced lung function may affect daily routine and activities, or it may only occur during strenuous activity, for instance, while exercising.
Remember that “Pulmonary ventilation is dependent on three types of pressure: atmospheric, intra-alveolar, and inter-pleural.” In this matter of ARDS and COVID relief, rule out number one: atmospheric pressure, because this affects everyone.
Intra-alveolar and inter-pleural pressures are considered important here because the foreign spike-protein antigen(2) is impacting normalcy, inflammation, immune-cell histamine release, mucous and fluid build-up, and the inflow and outflow of oxygen to these cells and tissues.
“[B[reathing is also dependent upon the contraction and relaxation of muscle fibers of both the diaphragm and thorax.” See source: https://open.oregonstate.education/aandp/chapter/22-3-the-process-of-breathing/<
B. Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell’s Early Warning
Very early in the “COVID-19 pandemic,” New York Doctor, Cameron Kyle-Sidell, characterized the illness as “Oxygen Deprivation Syndrome” neglected by experts. Dr. Horowitz published this telling video on RevolutionTelevision.net as shown below.
Dr. Sidell warned the medical establishment: “In treating these patients I’ve witnessed medical phenomenon that just don’t make sense in the context of treating a disease that is supposed to be a ‘viral pneumonia’. ‘Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome’ (ARDS) is the paradigm every hospital in the country is working under. . . that is untrue. In short, I believe that we are treating the wrong disease. And I fear that this misguided treatment will lead to a tremendous amount of harm to a great number of people in a very short time. . . .”
Alternatively, Dr. Sidell considered “that some kind of viral-induced disease most resembling ‘high altitude sickness’ [is being overlooked and neglected]. These patients are slowly being deprived of oxygen. I have seen patients depending on oxygen take off their oxygen [masks] and quickly progress into a state of anxiety and emotional distress, and eventually get blue in the face. And while they look like patients absolutely on the brink of death, they do not look like patients dying of pneumonia. . . .”
“I fear that if we are using a ‘false paradigm’ to treat a new disease; that the method that we program the ventilator—one based on the notion of ‘respiratory failure’ rather than ‘oxygen failure’ . . . is actually doing more harm than good. . . . [This] challenges long-held dogmatic beliefs within the medical community and lung specialists which will not be easy to overcome. But I really believe they must be overcome [to prevent unnecessary morbidity and mortality].”
C. Common Observations, Omissions, Misrepresentations, and Medical Malpractices
According to the grossly dis-informative Mayo Clinic, “Asthma is a condition in which your airways narrow and swell and may produce extra mucus. This can make breathing difficult and trigger coughing, a whistling sound (wheezing) when you breathe out and shortness of breath.”
These signs and symptoms of ‘asthmatic attack’ are virtually identical to those reported by Dr. Sidell, et. al., before COVID became an industry.
“For some people, asthma . . . can be a major problem that interferes with daily activities and may lead to a life-threatening asthma attack. . . . Asthma can’t be cured, but its symptoms can be controlled. . . .” Mayo lies. and subsequently misses and omits the entire medical menace:
“The same substances that trigger your hay fever (allergic rhinitis) symptoms, such as pollen, dust mites and pet dander, may also cause asthma signs and symptoms,” Mayo admits with bold emphasis added.
Mayo’s propaganda, here referencing James T C Li, M.D., Ph.D., an allergy specialist, falsely explains the link between allergies and asthma, thusly:
“How does an allergic reaction cause asthma symptoms?
“An allergic response occurs when immune system proteins (antibodies) mistakenly identify a harmless substance, such as tree pollen, as an invader. In an attempt to protect your body from the substance, antibodies bind to the allergen.”
Unless you have studied immunology and related molecular biology Mayo readers don’t recognize the FRAUDULENT MISREPRESENTATION in the deceptive/diversionary propaganda:
“An allergic response occurs when immune system proteins (antibodies) mistakenly identify a harmless substance, such as tree pollen, as an invader.”
That is FALSE.
More correctly, “An allergic response occurs when immune system CELLS (not “proteins” or “antibodies” as misrepresented), CORRECTLY “identify a harmless substance, such as tree pollen, as an invader” that combines with a normal piece of protein in your body. That omitted, and misrepresented FACT, is called an “ANTIGENIC COMPLEX.”
THAT OMITTED AND MISREPRESENTED FACT IS MEDICAL/LEGAL TREACHERY. It occurs most commonly by VACCINATIONS THAT INJECT THE ANTIGENS FORMING ‘ANTIGENIC COMPLEXES’ THROUGH THE PROTECTIVE SKIN BARRIER. These injections enable global genocide (or “iatrogenocide”–the mass-killing and enslaving of populations by physicians in favor of Big Pharma and the depopulation elite).
1. Medical Malpractices and Misrepresentations
Concluding the Mayo misrepresentation, “[i]n an attempt to protect your body from the substance, antibodies bind to the allergen.”
BUT your own antibodies also bind to your own host cells and proteins when they form antigenic complexes as a result of vaccination protein antigen injections. This pathogenesisis causes AUTO-IMMUNE REACTIONS AND DISEASES INCLUDING ASTHMA, HAY-FEVER, ALLERGIES, AND NEARLY 100 OVERLOOKED OR MISREPRESENTED ILLNESSES LIKE ‘COVID-19″.
“The chemicals released by your immune system lead to allergy signs and symptoms, such as nasal congestion, runny nose, itchy eyes or skin reactions,” Mayo concludes. “For some people, this same reaction also affects the lungs and airways, leading to asthma symptoms.”
AND NOW the same is true for the so-called “COVID disease.” This illness has been misdiagnosed and misrepresented as sourcing from “a coronavirus” when, in FACT, the diseases sources from the antigenic (spike) proteins injected into victims via vaccinations/ intoxications, and other means of exposure to the same antigens via ‘shedding,’ coughing, or other ways of spreading.
Clear-and-convincing evidence of this most reasonable and responsible thesis can be found throughout science. For instance, Saparna Pai, e. al. published, “What lies beneath the airway mucosal barrier? Throwing the spotlight on antigen-presenting cell function in the lower respiratory tract.”
You immediately see the Mayo Clinic FRAUD. It is an “antigen-presenting cell” central to the function of respiration that Mayo recklessly neglects and omits from its specious science (i.e., propaganda).
To the contrary, once vaccinated or exposed to the synthetic “dual use” “gain-of-function” coronavirus spike protein antigen, then special immune cells begin to mount a defense. That defense is summarized by Pai et. al., below.
2. Antigen Intoxications from Vaccinations
Most importantly, with COVID disease, breathing is burdened by:
(1) smooth muscles surrounding the alveolar (i.e., tiny air sacs) mucosa are tightened making it more difficult to breathe. Larger blood vessels supplying the respiratory tract have smooth muscles that are similarly intoxicated by the synthetic bio-antigenic weapon. The blood vessels clamp down make breathing asthma-like.
As Pai et. al. explain, normal/natural exposures to foreign protein antigens is a part of life, and generally well-accommodated.
But the same cannot be expected, nor is being seen, with the mass production and military/commercial distribution of the coronavirus spike-protein antigen; and
(2) what scientists call the “aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR)” impacts mucous production by the cells lining the interface between the alveoli air sacs and tiny capillaries. This clear mucous becomes extremely sticky because the spike-protein antigen becomes surrounded and neutralized by antibodies as this antigenic complex attaches to the mucous the AhR activated cells produce.
I have advanced this theory based on my reviews of solid peer reviewed science as well as my clinical experience as a recovering patient. My theory of super-sticky clear mucus production that is difficult to expectorate is most reasonable given the spike protein antigen irritant bearing AIDS virus genes damages the cilia on the alveoli as the genetic intoxication and destruction of the normal endothelial cell function occurs.
Technically speaking, according to world-leading investigator Zhu et al., “The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) is a ligand‑activated transcription factor originally isolated and characterized as the dioxin or xenobiotic receptor.” That is a disease trigger. AhR signaling “is a vital regulator of growth, development and material metabolism (22,23). Recent reports revealed that the AhR may exert harmful effects relating to endothelial dysfunction and immune disorders (24,25). AhR ligands activate the inflammatory axis in vascular endothelial cells to promote cell apoptosis [i.e., death] and the inflammatory response (26).”
This science forms the basis of my thesis, and best explains my clinical experience as a patient trying to free-up my burdened breathing. Even though recovering, feeling stronger and breathing deeper, I still my inspirations are restricted by the aforementioned two antigen-induced dysfunctions.
Considering this important science, diagnosing the pathogenic process in more detail in order to cure and/or rehab from this deadly respiratory ARDS-like condition, according to Zhu et al., oxidative stress occurs when AhR antigen cell intoxication signaling happens. This is because, “AhR mediates exogenous chemicals” that activate reactive oxygen species (ROS) and cancer-causing compounds. This assault from the bioweapon “directly damages vascular endothelial cells. This may result in a cellular oxidative stress/antioxidant imbalance that leads to cell damage and reduces the integrity of the vascular endothelium (46,47).” This is precisely why I have been reporting the benefits of anti-oxidants, especially OxySilver with 528Hz, to neutralize the positively-charged spike-protein bioelectric chemistry, and even block the genetic intoxication caused by the virus and/or AIDS-laced spike-protein antigen.
“Previous studies [reviewed by Zhu et al.,] have revealed that ROS mediate the transcription of specific genes, . . . which mediate the transcription of” substances such as proteins and enzymes, such as the ACE2 spike-protein receptor site, or the reverse-transcriptase enzyme, active in inflammation and the Coronavirus/SARS/HIV-1 infection.
Typically, “airways are exposed to a wide variety of inhaled antigens, and therefore, the induction of primary immunity to these antigens is tightly controlled by . . . antigen-presenting cells (APC) in the lower airways. . . This is “the mechanisms used by pathogens to modulate APC function during infectious disease,” according to Pai et. al.
“. . . . Various subsets of [cells] and macrophages in the airways act as ‘gate keepers’ to the lung and become activated soon after pathogen entry.5, 6 Once activated, they efficiently participate in phagocytosis, killing, antigen transport and co-ordination of the innate and adaptive immune response. . . .” [Emphasis added.]
“Therefore, the discriminatory powers of the respiratory immune system are stretched to the limit as it must separate antigenic ‘noise’ from the rare pathogen signal,” in this case the “gain-of-function” spike protein antigen we now know is a synthetic bioweapon–the bioweapon sourcing COVID disease and misdiagnoses.
Concluding their scientific review considering what is actually happening to prompt asthmatic breathing problems following certain antigenic intoxications, Pai et. al, stated, the immune response to these antigens must be neutralized along with minimising collateral damage to the lung airways.
This is what is recklessly neglected in the world’s consensus-response to “COVID”. The ‘default’ T-cell response is overwhelmed and inflammatory Th2 cell-mediated immunity results. Smooth muscles contract. They clamp-down reducing small and larger airways, both restricting oxygen flow.
The wisdom of anti-histamine therapies applied to COVID is solidly evidenced by the association of immune-cell disruptions, cytokine storms, and patient deaths. This is well-summarized by Li, Zhang and Gu in FASEB Journal, thusly:
“A cytokine storm is a nonspecific inflammatory response caused by the excessive secretion of more than 150 cytokines and chemical mediators by immune or nonimmune defense cells, characterized by rapidly proliferating and highly activated T cells, macrophages, and natural killer cells. It is a last resort mechanism of our immune system. A cytokine storm is also a key event causing death in patients infected with coronavirus. Thus, inhibiting overactive immune responses is very important for preventing cytokine storms.
In this context, my federal court filing of August 18, 2021, is extremely informative and vitally-important for bringing these pathogenic and therapeutic truths to light and saving lives.
In asthma, much like we see in patients poisoned by the Pfizer/Moderna/DARPA synthetic spike protein antigenic bioweapon, histamines and antihistamines play important role in these illnesses and recoveries. The scientific/medical consensus currently claims most of those who suffer from severe allergies and asthma from hypersensitivity reactions to foreign-protein antigens “benefit considerably from antihistamines.”
A scientific literature review of this subject of histamine and anti-histamine biochemistry and molecular biology is published online. This includes a review article by Qu, Fuhler and Pan, titled “Could Histamine H1 Receptor Antagonists Be Used for Treating COVID-19?” The answer is most certainly, yes.
Yes, because the cell-mediated immunity against the synthetic antigenic bioweapon prompts histamine releases that clamp-down on the muscles that enable free-breathing.
That is why Qu et. al., in effect, recommended anti-histamines for “treating COVID-19.”
II. ANALYSIS PART II: Officials Conceal HIV/AIDS Genes in the Antigenic Spike-Protein Along with Alternative Remedies
These mRNA vaccines inject their “pay-loads” of DNA-corrupting amino acids by way of the lab-engineered “spike (S) protein antigen” that is the ‘attachment mechanism’ or keys to opening the locks in host cell membranes (i.e., ACE2 receptor sites, like CD4 receptor sites in HIV/AIDS).
Furthermore, the “monoclonal antibodies” produced by the Moderna/DARPA/Deep State biowarfare cartel target this precise synthetic bioweapon–the S protein antigen.
Every informed person knows that in order to develop a vaccine against a virus, you need the virus first. Thus, it is common sense to realize that to develop a “novel” vaccine against COVID, you first needed to mass produce the synthetic bioweapon–the so-called ‘bat coronavirus mutant’; or in this case its extremely “novel” “spike protein antigen” that accommodates transmission of the respiratory distress and disease.
This activity, scientific records document, flowed directly from HIV/AIDS virus research and related developments in commercial/military immunology during the 1980s and 1990s.
This best explains why: (1) Fauci and his inner circle criminally concealed the four AIDS virus envelop genes constructing the COVID Spike protein antigen, beginning on-or-about January 31, 2020 (as the Fauci-e-mails prove); and (2) so little medical attention is being given to the spike protein antigen as the primary source of respiratory distress and asthma-like suffering in “COVID” patients. Officials have been suppressing and neglecting viable alternative treatments for COVID patients including OxySilver with 528Hz that science proves directly competes agains the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines by way of bioelectronic, anti-oxidant, and anti-biotic mechanisms. Officials’ failure to inform the public about these safe and effective alternatives to risky vaccines and monoclonal antibodies profits most their ‘inner circle’ of investors/co-conspirators and plague-creators/sustainers.