civil war in america

Civil War in America: PharmaMedia Propagandists Incite Violence Exploiting COVID




Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz

(MedicalVeritas.org; 9-4-21)–The ‘Deep State’ is now inciting civil war in America, pitting vaxxers against anti-vaxxers, conservatives against liberals, Democrats v. Republicans, agnostics against religious groups, Blacks vs. Whites, Anglos against Asians, but never the poor against the mega-rich that are imposing, broadcasting, modeling, and socially-engineering the dissonance, chaos, and disease we witness.

These are demonic and treasonous times. The obvious agenda is to incite violence through the “National Security ‘Crime’ Syndicate’ and its propaganda mills. BigTech is BigPharma, and also BigMilitary, BigEnergy and BigBanking. This crime syndicate is the “Deep State.”

Abuse of their “fake news” media is being administered to destroy America every way possible. This is required by the global elite to complete their mission to impose totalitarian ‘transhumanist’ rule over everyone who survives, albeit sickened and enslaved.

The obvious overriding objective is to degenerate, damage, and destroy America as a sovereign nation-state in favor of globalization and monopolizing corporate fascism.

How do I know this for sure? Read on . . .

Deep State is Big Pharma

Evidence of Treason

Quoting from the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI’s) copy of the Protocols of the Elders of Sion, in Chapter X, verse 19, the elite’s agenda for global conquest is clearly defined. It states:

“But you yourselves perfectly well know that to produce the possibility of the expression of such wishes by all the nations it is indispensable to trouble in all countries the people’s relationships with their governments so as to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, BY THE INOCULATION OF DISEASES, by want so that the [SHEEPLE] see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.” [Emphasis in original.]

Accordingly, crucial in this globalist agenda is the politicization of public health, and so-called “science,” for the “INOCULATION OF DISEASES.”

Manufacturing, deploying, and leveraging COVID-19 is key to population control today, and social submission to globalization and multi-national corporate fascism.


“This AP/News media/Gates & Co./Deep State propaganda politicizes the administration of care for needy people nationwide, to the point of coaxing a civil war between the VAXXED and UN-VAXXED.”


The complicit agents and agencies, such as Dr. Anhony Fauci, the CDC, and FDA, are mere instruments of this genocidal imposition. These agents and agencies, through the corporate-controlled and behaviorally-conditioning media, engineer society using threats of disease and death to “take refuge in [the globalists’] complete sovereignty in money and in all else.”

This demonic overriding of ethics, morals, values, laws, international treaties, and agenda, administers genocide through iatrogenocide (medically-administered mass murder). This genocide is best evidenced and explained by facts before us, and what is being criminally-concealed.

The political and mass-media concealments preclude dutiful diagnosis and life-saving treatments.

These criminal concealments of crucial facts include:

(1) the AIDS-virus (HIV-1) genes that were spliced into the COVID mutant “spike protein” (“S-protein”) enabling the virus’ hyper-transmissability. That is, the “gain-of-function” synthetic “dual use” military/commercial bioweapon is actually the antigen, not primarily the virus;

oxysilver lawsuit

(2) the bio-electronics of the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines’ cationic lipid metallic nano-particle hydrogel drug delivery device. This “payload” transmitting technology, relies on the S-protein antigen to poison cells to cause DNA to mass produce that antigen. Plus, it has bioelectronic data-mining capabilities that are unprecedented. These include “brain-to-cloud” connectivity, and ‘real time’ data-mining of what is ongoing in your body.

Following infective-intoxication of host cells, this antigenic bioweapon is mass produced by poisoned DNA and “shed,” that is spread to potentially other people and microbes. This shedding causes more immune-compromising microbe-mutations. These S-protein antigens, spread via vaccines, are the main reason we are seeing more strains of this plague emerge, such as the “D-variant” and “MU-variant.”

This genetic technology effectively turns humans into lab-engineered genetically-modified-organisms (GMOs) that administer genocide through antigen shedding and spreading.


“This genetic technology effectively turns humans into lab-engineered genetically-modified-organisms (GMOs) that administer genocide through antigen shedding and spreading.”


(3) the risk-to-benefit science doesn’t exist to prove these vaccines are not killing-and-maiming more people than they are supposedly helping-and-saving. That is, the foundational data required to establish safety and efficacy for the “INOCULATION OF DISEASES” is being recklessly neglected and criminally concealed by complicit officials; and

charles lieber

(4) the FBI’s misrepresentation and falsification in their indictment of Charles Lieber–the Harvard chemistry professor arrested for transferring secreted science to Chinese military officials in Wuhan. It wasn’t “car battery” technology Lieber transferred, as the FBI falsely reported. It was the aforementioned bio-electronics and vaccine science financed by the U.S. Department of Defense, DARPA, and BARDA, intertwined with MIT’s Langer Lab and Pfizer and Moderna’s mRNA vaccine research and developments.

Also Dr. Fauci’s NIAID funding of the Wuhan lab through doctors Baric and Daszak, the Univ. of North Carolina, and the EcoHealth Alliance, was fraudulently and criminally concealed by the FBI and intelligence community in favor of the Deep State’s administration of this pandemic genocide.

Consider the U.S. military’s capture by the Deep State’s National Security Crime Syndicate, and its implications in secretly loosing and administering the COVID plague. At the time of this writing, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon, General Mark Milley, is being excoriated for his leadership in the actual coupe-de-et-tat misrepresented by the complicit “fake news” media as the January 6, 2021 “Insurrection.”

Evidencing the rot at the heart of America, and the forces behind the pandemic, “Milley was overseeing the mobilization of America’s national security state without the knowledge of the American people. . . .” Milley’s Deep State agency treasonously conferred with Chinese military and Democratic Party officials in efforts to undermine the President of the United States, Donald Trump.

It is unreasonable and unconscionable to dismiss compounding evidence that the same National Security Crime Syndicate treasonously damaging the Office of the President, destroying voters’ faith in government, and politically dividing We The People, would not loose the COVID plague, and leverage it and the media, to incite civil war favoring globalist motives.


COVID Chaos and the Complicit Media

The intentional deployment of sickening and enslaving diseases, and media manipulations to engineer divisions among and between We The People, is clearly-and-convincingly shown by all media that conceals the aforementioned foundational facts.

Even the news anchors on “conservative” FOX for instance, several lawyers included, evade the fundamental criminality that the Deep State elite have imposed.

Tucker Carlson and Hannity are not stupid people. Their journalistic jobs require researching and reporting the facts, in depth. Neglecting this public duty they aid-and-abet genocide. Their willful blindness of the COVID pandemic being intentionally imposed to achieve the globalists’ totalitarian monopolistic objective is sinful and unconscionable.

To my knowledge, only Glenn Greenwald, interviewed by Carlson on FOX News, has identified this Deep State intentional treachery. Every FOX News anchor has evaded this matter. Most have diverted using lame questions, and frivolous and capricious rhetoric.

As mentioned, the plandemic has been politicized to secure the divisive degenerative globalist monopolistic depopulation agenda. The globalists are broadcasting programs, and administering MKULTRA-like (mind control) ‘programming,’ to incite violence and social chaos, because divided populations damaged by violence, vaccinations, and chaos are easier to control.

We now witness the media pitting Democrats vs. Republicans; the VAXXED vs. UN-VAXXED; or the recklessly naive vs. those reasonably cautious. We view this increasingly on television. Riots in the streets; fist-fights between masked vs. un-masked citizens; brawls on airplanes between citizens affected.

Willful Blindness of Imposed Deaths and Depopulation

We The People now witness systemic complicity in iatrogenocide more clearly. All mainstream media moguls, hosts, and anchors that disregard their paymasters’ deadly depopulation agenda are complicit in committing treason and genocide. The same is true for all the Deep State campaign-financed politicians evading and silencing the aforementioned facts. They are all instrumental in killing people, administering ‘population control.’

The willfully-blind and silent officials and media celebrities administering this genocide are recklessly neglecting the most important globalist objective and justifications for depopulation and transition to transhumanism. This geopolitical and economic diagnosis is essential for effective treatment, but remains evaded and neglected.

That is, to stop the pandemic and regain “normalcy,” this intentional imposition must be vetted and the guilty criminals prosecuted. Otherwise, new strains of lab viruses and their mutants will be loosed, and draconian public health policies will be increasingly imposed.

No diagnosis, and no public disclosure, assures no effective treatment. This negligence, that has caused millions of people to be killed, will be the scourge that destroys civilization and secures corporate-controlled transhumanism.

America is dying from this systemic complicity in criminality; by intent of the global elite. They all favor or contribute to the degenerative chaos we are witnessing. These devil-doers leverage communism, capitalism, socialism, and the BigTech/BigPharma/BigEnergy/BigMilitary/BigBanking/’Deep State’ totalitarian monopoly.

The Biden Administration’s Complicity in Genocide

“This is not about freedom or personal choice,” President Biden said in his speech on September 9, pushing manditory vaccinations as though this will end the Deep State’s draconian depopulation impositions.

Obviously oblivious to the lacking risk-benefit vaccination data, and the deadly consequences of his negligence, Biden stated, “It’s about protecting yourself and those around you – the people you work with, people you care about, people you love.”


“The willfully-blind and silent officials and media celebrities administering this genocide are recklessly neglecting the most important globalist objective and justifications for depopulation and transition to transhumanism.”


Accusing “vaccination hesitant” people of what Biden’s complicity in the genocide is guilty; while inciting violence and civil war, Biden added, “We’ve been patient but our patience is wearing thin and your refusal has cost all of us.”

But what if those people vaccinated are shedding and spreading the poisonous S-protein antigen as mentioned above? This is known to occur with dire consequences. Then what?

Biden’s propaganda and mandates would then be seen for what they are. Deadly! Mandatory vaccinations would be seen as aiding-and-abetting genocidal depopulation–precisely why these mandates are being imposed in favor of Biden’s Deep State puppeteers.

The Biden’s covert business dealings with China (and actions in Afghanistan as detailed below) compounds evidence of the National Security Crime Syndicate commandeering the intelligence community–the CIA, FBI, U.S. Naval and Briitish Intelligence–with General Milley and Anthony Fauci et. al. all leveraging COVID for financial gain and Deep State’s globalization.

Afghanistan, BigPharma and ‘Vaccinecide.’

What does Afghanistan have to do with vaccination mandates or the reckless inciting of civil war in America? The common denominator, again, is the globalist agenda.

Given the pattern-and-practice of fraudulently concealing vital evidence of deadly vaccination risks, and the globalists’ agenda to damage public confidence in our governments, it is no accident that the Afghanistan debacle occurred when it did.

The recklessness and malice behind Biden’s actions to dictate mandatory vaccinations, masking people, social distancing, and imposing unconstitutional business restraints, all neglecting the damage each restriction causes, reflects the same intentional negligence and malice in Biden’s “successful” withdrawal from Afghanistan–the world’s leading supplier of opium.

Consider these facts. At the same time officials in the media were leveraging the “D variant” as justification for mandatory vaccinations, Biden and complicit military leaders, including General Milley, had a “meeting-of-the-minds.” They agreed to abandon Western interests in the world’s opium capital bordering Russia, China, and the volatile Middle East.

No one in the “fake news” media revealed the Taliban, who were ceded control, were established by the CIA during the late 1960s to purportedly defend against Russian invaders.

No one in the “fake news” media made known that Osama bin Laden, blamed for master-minding the 9/11 “terrorist attacks,” was trained and financed by the CIA to oppose the Russians.

No one in the “fake news” media made known the bin Ladens’ invested heavily with the Bush family and complicit insiders in Bioport, LLC–the vaccine maker that produced the infamous poisonous anthrax vaccines that triggered Gulf War Syndrome that sickened and killed tens of thousands of our service men and women.

Get the picture? These sickening and enslaving events are rooted in the same “swamp.”

In the news at the time of this writing, to no avail, private efforts prompted the release of classified intelligence regarding Saudi Arabia’s claimed involvement in the 9/11 disaster that “changed the world.” No “fake news media” recalled that Bioport’s principal investor was Saudi business man Fuad El-Hibri–a close friend of the bin Laden family, and a previous merger and acquisitions manager for the Rockefeller-linked Citigroup in New York.

According to some investigators I referenced in past publications, additional Bioport shares were held by The Carlyle Management Group-a leading American defense contractor largely directed by past CIA director Frank Carlucci, James Baker III, George H.W. Bush, and former British Prime Minister John Major.

Further vetting the Deep State’s capture of American intelligence, including the FBI, according to the Associated Press, Past President George H.W. Bush acted as a business agent for the Carlyle Group and wealthy Saudi families including the bin Ladens.

The BBC, and London’s leading Sunday newspaper, The Guardian, reported on Nov. 7, 2001, that the Bush administration, through the CIA, hog-tied the FBI in their investigations linking Bush family and bin Laden family investments, including commonly held stock in the Carlyle Management Group. This was alleged to have profoundly suppressive implications affecting the investigations of Bioport and Battelle Memorial Labs that produced the deadly mailed anthrax spores.

Today, with the COVID plandemic, we witness the same pattern-of-fraudulent concealment, and racketeering in organized crime.

On September 13, 2021, Tennessee Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R), raised similar concerns that the Afghanistan withdrawal fiasco was intentional.” She didn’t elaborate.

Without vetting or diagnosing this globalist racket, and its pattern-and-practice of committing organized crimes, we will only continue to witness compounding damage to people, our country, and the world.


“We The People now witness this treason and complicity in genocide more clearly. All mainstream media moguls, hosts, and anchors that disregard their paymasters’ fundamental agenda are complicit in committing treason and genocide. They are instrumental in killing people, administering ‘population control.'”


Monopolization and Subversion of Science and Medicine

Polls are public persuasion or propaganda ploys, as are today’s so-called “science” journals. Today, nearly all medical and scientific journals are controlled by Reed-Elsevier, owned by ChoicePoint.

In 2009, I contested this gross conflicting interests in an open objection to The Lancet‘s rejection of an Op-Ed piece I wrote titled “PHARMAGANDA: A Study in Conflicting Interests.” I made known that “[t]he merger [of] Reed-Elsevier [created], a virtual monopoly over the entire medical and scientific publishing industry.”

I wrote, “Elsevier alone publishes 250,000 articles annually in 2000 journals.”  I objected to ChoicePoint having purchased Reed-Elsevier in 2008 for $3.6 billion in cash. That merger effectively monopolized the medical scientific intelligence industry.

I reviewed online advertisements promoting ChoicePoint. They describe the monopoly as a “prime intelligence service.” The conglomerate “supplies governments and multinational corporations with demographic data, including confidential voter records,” I learned and revealed. “The company is best known for its administration of corrupted records used to certify Past-President George W Bush’s contested 2000 election.”

Yes, you read that right. Reflect on Biden’s “stolen 2020 election.”

According to open sources, in the aftermath of the Bush-Gore contested election vote, ChoicePoint’s subsidiary, DBT Online, was accused of conspiring with Florida Governor Jeb Bush, Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris, and Florida Elections Unit Chief Clay Roberts, in the voter fraud conspiracy involving the central voter file. ChoicePoint was also accused of knowingly using inaccurate data, and for racial discrimination.

I concluded that the medical science monopolists controlling ChoicePoint, Elsevier, and the worlds of data-mining and media publishing industries, had captured the electoral process as well, and corrupted both parties equally.

The following chart comes from my ongoing lawsuit against Pfizer, Moderna, Hearst Media, and Henry Schein companies for committing unfair and deceptive trade damaging my healthcare companies and We The People.  I am suing Pfizer and Moderna for their unfair competition against my competitive alternative to vaccinations–OxySilverTM with 528 frequency, a powerful anti-oxidant.

Inciting Violence and Civil War Against the Un-Vaxxed

Accordingly, it is unreasonable and irresponsible, even reckless, to trust what any mainstream media or “official” source reports. This includes the falsely under-estimated “80 million Americans who aren’t yet inoculated.”

Only weeks ago, the un-vaccinated population represented the vast majority of Americans who remain “hesitant.”

Biden targeted this group unconscionably. His handlers and speech-writers are not dumb. They certainly knew that civil unrest and retaliatory strikes against un-vaxxed people might be incited by Biden’s statements. The President urged everyone to take advantage of the “safe, effective and free” shots to help end what he called “a pandemic of the un-vaccinated.”

FREE VACCINES? What do you get for “free” today?

GENOCIDE! Profitable vaccine side-effects favoring depopulation and stockholders in the globalists’ crime syndicate.

What do you get for believing compulsive liars and the media that conceals conflicting interests?

You got a president, campaign-financed by the globalists, to impose totalitarian “public health” impositions; and a media whose main stockholders and advertisers are the complicit genocidalists.

You also got more disease and death.

The AP article stated, “St. Luke’s Boise Medical Center invited The Associated Press into its restricted ICUs this week in hopes that sharing the dire reality would prompt people to change their behavior.”

In other words, the cement SLBMC building telephoned the AP without Lokken’s knowledge, consent, or instigation. That is ridiculous.


“The Deep State’s propaganda extortionately promotes vaccinations. It sells people on getting vaccinated by disregarding the risks–what the vaccines actually deliver–the S-protein antigen–and other toxic ingredients including bioelectronic devices.”



Piercing the Deadly Propaganda

“There is so much loss here, and so much of it is preventable. I’m not just talking about loss of life. Ultimately, it’s like loss of hope,” said Dr. Jim Souza, chief medical officer at Lokken’s SLBMC. “When the vaccines came out in December, those of us in health care were like, ‘Oh, my God, it’s like the cavalry coming over the hill.’ … To see now what’s playing out? It’s all so needless.”

AP continued, “Inside the ICUs, Kristen Connelly and fellow nurses frequently gather to turn over each patient, careful to avoid disconnecting the tangle of tubes and wires keeping them alive. With breathing tubes, feeding tubes and half a dozen hanging bags of medications intended to halt a cascade of organ damage, turning a patient is a dangerous but necessary endeavor that happens twice a day.”

(During my hospitalization, over an eight-day period, Lee County Hospital staff never turned-me-over once. Needless to say, severe bed sores developed. Alarms would go off day-and-night with the slightest shifting of my position in the “tangled tubes.” Those restritctions precluded me from even going to the bathroom that was only ten feet away from my bed.)

“When Idaho’s hospitals were nearly overwhelmed with coronavirus patients last winter,” AP continued, nurse “Connelly wasn’t fazed, believing she could make a difference. Now, instead of focusing on one patient at a time, she cares for multiple. Many colleagues have quit, burned out by the relentless demands of the pandemic. . . . It’s devastating. . . . Where we are right now is avoidable — we didn’t have to go here.”

Rather than blaming the agents and agencies that manufactured the lab virus; the Deep State investors that loosed the pathogen; the media that concealed all the critical facts; or the National Security Crime Syndicate that secrets all the important intelligence, the SLBMC blamed un-vaxxers.

“Most of the ICU patients fell prey to con artists before they fell ill with the virus, said Souza, the chief medical officer. . . . Misinformation is hurting people and killing people,” Souza said. . . . We don’t have any vaccinated patients here.”

Politicizing these issues, recklessly driving divisions, and inciting violence and civil war, AP added, “Even families who have witnessed the trauma of COVID-19 firsthand are on opposite sides.”




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