Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz
(July 17, 2019)
This Public Warning provides ‘constructive notice’ under ‘public duty doctrine’ opposing the ongoing African genocide called an “International Ebola Emergency” by the World Health Organization (WHO) threatening global populations. Those who receive this Notice, and neglect to take preventive action to save lives, including their own, by taking necessary precautions and preventive or remedial actions, may be properly considered complicit, aiding-and-abetting by willful blindness this genocide that threatens humanity. In the United States, such derelict persons, especially government officials in alliance with pharmaceutical industrialists, may be held liable for deaths under 42 U.S.C. § 1986, as well as 18 U.S. Code § 4. Otherwise, spiritual condemnation is certain.
The ‘Smoking Gun’ is a Lab Virus
EBOLA’s ‘smoking gun,’ solidly exposed here, is a lab virus called “Rhabdovirus simian.” It was initially a rabies-type virus that either ran in rodents, or were tested in lab rats and mice then escaped to the wild following early genetic-engineering studies and cancer trials.
Very few people still alive know this origin of Ebola for sure, and those who do keep silent, or are silenced.
This author is one who has been silenced by the United Nations AIDS Group, the entire academic healthcare community, and the mainstream media.
Ebola is a lab virus and vaccine industry-originated ‘bioweapon.” It is evidenced below as the smoking gun.
The current “Ebola Emergency” does, indeed, threaten global populations, primarily because this smoking gun has been, and continues to be, purposely neglected by the scientific community and the media in the business of fanning fears in favor of those profiting most from the mass killings.
The actual Ebola virus ‘smoking gun’ was made known by recent news reports covering the “International Ebola Emergency.” The news and declarations corroborated what this author has been predicting for more than two decades. I exclusively proved by 1996 according to scientific research that this depopulation agent sourced from the same lab and U.S. Govt. financed and secreted program, as its Marburg virus predecessor.
Considering the Compelling Evidence in Public Records and Govt. Science Reports
In 1967, Litton Bionetics Research Laboratories shipped approximately 500 contaminated monkeys and chimps to three vaccine production facilities in Europe. These included labs in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Frankfurt, Germany, and Marburg, Germany where the virus killed a couple of lab workers. It was thus named “Marburg virus.”
Below are screenshots proving the accuracy and legitimacy of this intelligence, albeit heavily-censored truth.
This medical history explaining the Ebola outbreak was published by yours truly in 1996 in one of the world’s most censored books, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident or Intetional?
That text, and several subsequent publications, as well as this excellent review of the Hollywood film, The Equalizer, along with my “Best Film-2016” in London and Geneva World International Film Festival competitions, Un-Vaxxed: A Docu-commentary for Robert De Niro, heralds the precise lab experiment recorded below sourcing Marburg/Ebola predecessor–Rhabdovirus simian.
Accordingly, this cannot be dismissed or misconstrued as a “conspiracy theory.” These are readily confirmed scientific facts available from public records and old science journals. The suppression and malicious neglect of this science and scientific evidence is akin to scientific evidence tampering, or evidence tampering in a court of law. This is a crime.
The Marburg/Ebola virus came from a rabies virus called “RHABDOVIRUS SIMIAN.” Today, the new “rVSV-ZEBOV” vaccine being forced upon African people placed at risk from the latest “Ebola Emergency” bears the telltale initials identifying this lab virus creation.
“rVSV-ZEBOV” is named for the “rabies Virus/Rhabdovirus,” that is “rV,” and its vector species–monkeys called “simians” initialed “SV.”
The screenshot above proves Litton Bionetics was a U.S. bioweapons contractor in 1969-1970, actually throughout Nixon’s presidency and beyond.
The screenshot below provides “slam dunk” evidence of how these viruses “emerged” from Bionetics Research Laboratories, Inc. This is where the ‘rubber meets the road’ in this biomedical conspiracy indicting the world’s wealthiest drug industrialists who advocate most vigorously for population control, and spend hundreds of millions to secure this outcome.
These records prove today’s most frightening bioweapons (i.e., Ebola and Marburg) came from–rabies viruses called “rhabdoviruses” first infecting rodents, then injected into monkeys “simians” for purportedly “cancer research” and “vaccine developments,” not to be confused with biological warfare and cancer induction experiments for population reduction.
This research team included investigators paid by the U.S. Army, Merck Drug Co., and National Cancer Institute under Special Virus Cancer Program (SVCP) Contract Nos. 71-2025 titled “Investigation of Viral Carcinogenesis in Primates.”

Also, Merck & Co.’s NCI contracts titled “Study of Viruses in Human and Animal Neoplasia [Cancer] (NIH-71-2059] expanded into “Oncogenic Virus and Vaccine Development,” are important evidence of official malfeasance given the smoking gun now known and explained below.
This knowledge also indicts the ‘fake news’ media that recklessly neglects these facts, over and over again, only to frighten the public to impose vaccination mandates and submission of the entire population eventually to this “mysterious” emergency.

Below is Litton Bionetics’s government publication evidencing the smoking gun as further explained in detail below.

And this last SVCP contract description evidences that Litton’s “Bionetics Research Laboratories” were contracted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to supply “test [virus] specimens from human and animal sources.” The contractor shipped monkeys, chimps, and much more, including the genetically-engineered viruses, to allied members of the cancer virus and vaccine development community.

Frightful News and Vaccine Hesitancy
Frightening people at risk of this deadly plaque, persuading them to vaccinate using Merck’s new Ebola vaccine, or the new one developed by GlaxoSmithKlein that is similarly implicated in the unfolding genocide, is being challenged for good reasons by citizens of Africa and elsewhere. People worldwide no longer trust vaccines.
The resulting “vaccination hesitancy” is reasonable. It is justified by compelling evidence made known here and elsewhere by the U.S. Government in propaganda published by the National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the CDC touting these new Ebola vaccines.
In other words, in order for rVSV-ZEBOV to be 100 percent effective as The New York Times heralded about this vaccine in 2016, it means that the people suffering and dying from the current strain of Ebola Zaire in the Congo have in their blood as much as 100 percent of the original 1976 virus produced by Litton and spread by Merck via vaccines.
People, however, no longer trust Western doctors and nurses who never adequately question their employers or government officials’ biases. They don’t question academic and science journals’ conflicting interests either. Even academics don’t discern or openly debate the discrepancies published in science journals addressing Ebola and the ‘sacred cow of public health‘ misrepresented as “immunizations.” They simply blindly administer the vaccines, and comply with governments that mandate these injections known to be toxic and harmful to some. How many? No one really knows, because the safety studies are incomplete. But the package inserts tell us to be cautious. But who reads those inserts?
Ebola Virus Science and Outbreak History Evidences the Lab Virus ‘Smoking Gun’
As previously published by this author in this journal, there were already unnerving condemnations about officials at the WHO and UN administering the Ebola response. These problems were consistent with the U.N. Ambassador from the U.S., Nikki Haley, calling the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and their Human Rights Council a “cesspool of political bias” and scientific corruption.
Amid fiery criticism about the United States and Israel’s withdrawal from that “cesspool,” the Trump administration called these U.N. operations “counter to human rights standards.” Earlier, President Trump inferred that too many unproven vaccinations were being given to Americans as well, a criticism backed by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
At this level of socio-political and commercial corruption and controversy, at the end of April 2018, the ‘new outbreak’ of Ebola Zaire Virus (EZV) raised further suspicions. The EZV suddenly re-emerged in the north-eastern part of the DRC from a refrigerator.
Scandalous as that statement may seem, there is no other reasonable explanation for this precise strain of EZV to have re-emerged from some unknown hiding place in 1976 when it first broke-out in Zaire (now called the DRC), only to fade away until 2014 when it suddenly inexplicably re-appeared in Liberia. Again between 2014 and 2018, the virus and disease disappeared.
Virologists will tell you that viruses don’t simply relocate without genetic alterations. As soon as the virus jumps from one animal to the next it mutates. Like HIV/AIDS the difference can be between 6-8 percent at each cross-infection, and even more during inter-species jumps.
These facts make known a refrigerator had to have stored the original Ebola Zaire virus between 1976 and 2018 in order for the same exact strain to have suddenly broken out again.
Further scientific proof that the Ebola virus strain killing Africans today, and threatening the world, sourced from the same Bionetics lab experiments in which 18 monkeys were injected with Litton’s new genetically-altered Rhabdovirus simian as John Landon revealed . . . Nine died or were transferred for further study, such as at the Marburg vaccine facility in 1967.
Ebola Vaccine Science Corroborates the Rhabdovirus ‘Smoking Gun’
Corroborating the aforementioned evidence of the ‘smoking gun,’ a NIAID report actually spilled-the-beans. It stated:
“NIAID has also been involved in testing the rVSV-ZEBOV Ebola vaccine candidate. The vaccine uses a genetically engineered version of vesicular stomatitis virus, an animal virus that primarily affects cattle, to carry an Ebola virus gene insert. The investigational vaccine was developed by the Public Health Agency of Canada and licensed to NewLink Genetics Corporation. Merck & Co., Inc., is responsible for advancing the vaccine toward regulatory approval.”
For this analysis, as you will read below, ‘vesicular stomatitis virus’ is virtually synonymous to the rabies-type rhabdovirus ‘smoking gun.’ The New York Times and the WHO confirmed this fact regarding the rhabdovirus-sourced vaccine when it published that “[m]ore than 7,500 doses of the rVSV-ZEBOV Ebola vaccine have been deployed to the Democratic Republic of the Congo to conduct vaccination in the northwestern Equator Province . . .”

The New York Times, at the center of the alleged ‘EbolaGate‘ controversy, heralded in 2016, “The Ebola [vaccine] trial was led by the World Health Organization, the Guinean Health Ministry, Norway’s Institute of Public Health and other institutions. The vaccine, known as rVSV-ZEBOV, was developed over a decade ago by the Public Health Agency of Canada and the United States Army and is now licensed to Merck. [Emphasis added.] Its genetic “spine” is that of a vesicular stomatitis virus, . . .”
Further scientific proof that the Ebola virus strain killing Africans today, and threatening the world, sourced from the same Bionetics lab experiments in which 18 monkeys were injected with Litton’s new genetically-altered Rhabdovirus simian is revealed in John Landon’s SVCP record shown in the screenshot above. Eighteeen (18) primates were injected between July 1965 to May 1970. Nine died or were transferred for further study, such as at the Marburg vaccine facility in 1967.
In other words, in order for rVSV-ZEBOV to be 100 percent effective as The New York Times heralded about this vaccine in 2016, it means that the people suffering and dying from the current strain of Ebola Zaire in the Congo have in their blood as much as 100 percent of the original 1976 virus produced by Litton and spread by Merck via vaccines.
Resistance from Accurate Intelligence is Growing
According to a recent BBC News report on this Ebola outbreak, “more than 161,000 people have been given” the new vaccine.” But “[t]ackling the disease has been complicated by conflict in the region.
“Since January, there have been 198 attacks against healthcare workers or Ebola treatment facilities leading to seven deaths and 58 injuries.
“Another major problem has been distrust of healthcare workers leading to about a third of deaths being in the community rather than at a specialist Ebola treatment centre.
“It means those people are not seeking treatment and risk spreading the disease to neighbours and relatives. . . .
“There has also been difficulty tracking the spread of the virus.”
This compounds the evidence aforementioned, that Ebola hides in lab refrigerators, loosed according to covert operators.
“A significant number of cases are coming as a surprise as those affected have not come into contact with known Ebola cases.”
This last quote additionally corroborates the smoking gun: Rhabdovirus simian. It compounds the aforementioned evidence that this emergency is being imposed by secret agents, because the epidemiology is ‘surprising’ the experts. The disease is NOT following standard tracking methods and means.
Accordingly, vaccinated people would most reasonably be considered the ‘new source’ of the new Ebola infections in the absence of direct contact with any infected victims. Any other conclusion is unreasonable and unscientific.
Summary and Conclusion
In summary, humanity is in imminent danger of suffering 40-to-70 percent depopulation by neglecting the aforementioned facts. 3.5 to 5 billion people could die from neglecting this urgent WARNING.
Further neglecting and suppressing these facts, or character assassinating this messenger who delivered these facts 24 years ago, will not change the outcome.
As honest articles such as this multiply, as they surely will, and resistance to government imposed vaccines likewise mounts, officials will have no recourse other than to loose Ebola by aerial sprays, or by GM mosquitoes, or in combination with other sickening plagues in order to confound scientific investigators to achieve the primary objective of depopulation.
If you don’t believe this fact, or wish to remain in denial, then don’t read the footnote section below that includes the official admission that, “NIAID also is partnering with the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston to advance a human parainfluenza virus type 3-vectored Ebola vaccine developed by NIAID scientists. . . . The vaccine candidate is designed to be delivered to the respiratory tract as an aerosol or liquid . . .”
It is public knowledge that U.S. CIA and military officials administered airborne germ transmission upon unsuspecting populations during the MKUTRA/MKNAOMI covert operations opposed by Congressional investigators.
The second option officials and allied Deep State population controllers are advancing are genetically-engineered mosquitoes that deliver genetically-engineered viruses said to act as ‘immunogens’ to prompt ‘seroconversion’ in populations not clinically vaccinated, but “immunized” by biting insect vectors.
The only remedy is to expose these scientific facts, bring truth to light by scientific, public, and political discourse, and ‘drain the swamp’ of the criminal psychopaths in ‘public health’ violating human rights, precluding freedom of choice in healthcare, and aiding-and-abetting this deadly and frightening depopulation “emergency.”
People reap what they sow. Journalists especially will suffer as best foretold in Galatians 6:7-9 that warns: “7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked [by genetic engineers]: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. 8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. 9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”
Accordingly, this EBOLA VACCINE WARNING and RHABDOVIRUS SIMIAN SMOKING GUN NOTICE is issued by this ‘watchman’ as a public duty, not simply a public service, in keeping with the Divine law of karma.
You are encouraged to likewise save yourself and your loved ones by forwarding this article to them. If you don’t take heed, Ezekiel 33:6–the “66” matrix math number prompting “miraculous manifestations,” shall claim you by your “iniquity.”
1) Ebola’s ‘smoking gun’ is proven by science cited below proving the current virus killing people in Africa and threatening the world sources from the Rhabdoviruses as originally exposed by the author in 1996. The science below explains how this particular virus causes a virtual meltdown of the human immune system, causing cells and tissues to turn to ‘mush.’ This was as depicted in this author’s full-length film initially published in 16 parts distributed for free on the Internet, and now pay-per-view as, In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood & Bioterrorism. This knowledge was also covered in the 37 minute exceptional video viewable for free in Best Ebola Treatment Vets Secret Source, Prevention, and Cures The HOROKANE Counter-spins Hollywood Propaganda, and more recently in Un-Vaxxed: A Docu-commentary for Robert De Niro.
2) See confirming evidence published by the NIAID, directed by the untrustworthy Anthony Fauci, at: https://www.niaid.nih.gov/diseases-conditions/ebola-vaccines This author exposed the HIV/AIDS czar, Anthony Fauci, repeatedly in pubications such as in Part 2 of the three part series title, Dr. Horowitz Rips Dr. Oz Apart for misrepresenting the safety and efficacy of the H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine in which Fauci participated. See also: Dr Anthony Fauci Perjures himself regarding Measles Vaccine Causing Encephalitis; and the Washington Post article making known the CIA oversees Fauci’s agency for purported “National Security” reasons.
3) The Science of How Ebola/Rhabdoviruses Destroy the Immune System is technically explained in Fenner’s Veterinary Virology (Fifth Edition), 2017. Quoting this reference:
NIAID/GSK Investigational Ebola Vaccine (cAd3-EBOZ)
The NIAID Vaccine Research Center (VRC) developed an Ebola vaccine candidate in collaboration with the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases and Okairos, a Swiss-Italian biotech company acquired by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) in 2013. Known as the NIAID/GSK investigational Ebola vaccine, or cAd3-EBOZ, the candidate vaccine is based on a type of chimpanzee cold virus, called chimp adenovirus type 3 (cAd3). The adenovirus is used as a vector, or carrier, to deliver Ebola genetic material. The vector is a non-replicating viral vector, which means the vaccine delivers the Ebola virus gene inserts but does not replicate further. The gene inserts express an Ebola virus protein designed to prompt the human body to make an immune response. The investigational vaccine contains no infectious Ebola virus material.
When tested in Phase 1 clinical trials in the United States and the United Kingdom in 2014, the NIAID/GSK investigational Ebola vaccine proved to be safe and induced an immune response. The vaccine candidate began Phase 2 testing in February 2015 through the launch of the PREVAIL I trial (Partnership for Research on Ebola Virus in Liberia). The randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial enrolled 1,500 participants. It was originally designed to advance to a Phase 3 trial among 28,000 volunteers but was scaled back because the decline in new Ebola cases made it impossible to conduct the larger study. Findings presented in February 2016 indicate the vaccine was well-tolerated and induced an immune response.
rVSV-ZEBOV Investigational Ebola Vaccine
NIAID has also been involved in testing the rVSV-ZEBOV Ebola vaccine candidate. The vaccine uses a genetically engineered version of vesicular stomatitis virus, an animal virus that primarily affects cattle, to carry an Ebola virus gene insert. The investigational vaccine was developed by the Public Health Agency of Canada and licensed to NewLink Genetics Corporation. Merck & Co., Inc., is responsible for advancing the vaccine toward regulatory approval.
In Phase 1 testing conducted by NIAID and the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, rVSV-ZEBOV proved to be safe and elicited robust antibody responses in all 40 of the healthy adults who received it. The investigational vaccine is now undergoing Phase 2 testing with the cAd3-EBOZ candidate in the PREVAIL I trial in Liberia. Findings of the Phase 2 trial presented in February 2016 indicate the vaccine was well-tolerated and induced an immune response among participants. Additional organizations are testing rVSV-ZEBOV in late-stage clinical trials in West Africa. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services(HHS) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, in partnership with the Sierra Leone College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences and the Sierra Leone Ministry of Health and Sanitation launched in April 2015 a combined Phase 2 and 3 trial in Sierra Leone to test the safety and efficacy of rVSV-ZEBOV.
Other Ebola Vaccine Candidates
NIAID and other funding partners supported the development and preclinical and clinical testing of an investigational vaccine regimen designed to specifically protect against the Ebola virus strains responsible for the recent outbreak in West Africa. The vaccine candidate combines the Ad26.ZEBOV vector (based on the AdVac platform developed by Crucell Holland B.V., one of the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson) with a modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA)-vectored vaccine (MVA-BN Filo) developed by Bavarian Nordic. Crucell and NIAID have supported Phase 1 trials of the vaccine in the United Kingdom and the United States, respectively. Additional Phase 1 trials are underway in Africa, and in July 2015, Crucell initiated a Phase 2 clinical trial of the investigational vaccine in the United Kingdom and France. In October 2015, Crucell launched a clinical trial in Sierra Leone to test the safety and immunogenicity of the regimen. The HHS Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) is supporting advanced development of this regimen.
NIAID is also supporting the development of multivalent filovirus vaccine regimens combining non-replicating human adenovirus vectors Ad26 with non-replicating Ad35 (both in development at Crucell Holland B.V.), or Ad26 vectors with Bavarian Nordic’s MVA-BN Filo.
Additionally, NIAID is funding Profectus Biosciences, Inc., to develop additional recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV)-vectored vaccines against Ebola and Marburg viruses. NIAID is supporting the preclinical studies for the trivalent vaccine against Marburg and the Zaire and Sudan strains of Ebola. The U.S. Department of Defense plans to support an upcoming Phase 1 clinical trial of the monovalent vaccine against the Zaire strain of Ebola. NIAID also is supporting testing of a candidate nanoparticle Ebola vaccine developed by Novavax. When combined with an adjuvant manufactured by Novavax, the investigational vaccine showed promise in nonhuman primates. Initial results from a Phase 1 trial found the vaccine candidate to be well-tolerated and elicited an immune response.
NIAID also is partnering with the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston to advance a human parainfluenza virus type 3-vectored Ebola vaccine developed by NIAID scientists. The parainfluenza virus is used as a weakened, replicating viral vector, or carrier, to deliver Ebola genetic material designed to stimulate a protective immune response against Ebola virus. The vaccine candidate is designed to be delivered to the respiratory tract as an aerosol or liquid and induced a robust immune response in monkeys and protected monkeys exposed to Zaire Ebolavirus. NIAID initiated a Phase 1 clinical trial to test the safety and efficacy of the aerosolized version in September 2015.
NIAID is supporting and conducting research to produce a vaccine candidate based on an existing rabies vaccine that would protect against Ebola, Marburg, and rabies viruses. NIAID intramural scientists are working with Thomas Jefferson University investigators to pursue a version of the vaccine for human and veterinary use, as well as a version for African wildlife. The National Institutes of Health licensed the candidate rabies/Ebola vaccines to Exxell BIO, which aims to advance the products through clinical testing and potential commercialization.