Home Coronavirus COVID-19 MUTANT: More Lies Favoring Global Genocide

COVID-19 MUTANT: More Lies Favoring Global Genocide

COVID-19 Mutant

An Opinion/Editorial


Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz

(December 31, 2020)

(MedicalVeritas.org; Las Vegas, NV) Is the COVID-19 mutant “inconsequential” as is being reported?

Click to view the offending Tucker Carlson-FOX News-Dr. Marc Siegel segment that shows how disgustingly deplorable and blatantly stupid the New York University medical propagandist, “Dr. Siegel,” is for concealing the most important facts about the mutating COVID-19/20/21 virus.

COVID-19 Mutant
Click to view the segment.

Otherwise, Siegel knows zilch about the actual science underlying the original COVID-19 lab virus.

Furthermore, Dr. Siegel acts unconscionably unconscious about his own complicity in the attack on humanity, inducing the public panic he bemoans. All the while he serves his paymasters’ criminal intent leveraging the pandemic for the “Great Global Reset“.

All of these criminal actions are despicable and deplorable.

In this telling segment, Carlson looks-on dumbfounded as Siegel makes light of the widespread panic and fear caused by the media’s coverage of the pandemic.

The FOX team has superficially voiced its opposition to the complicit officials with whom Dr. Siegel engages, such as Dr. Anthony Fauci.

In this way, Siegel and fellow media propagandists, generate their paychecks, advance their celebrities, and help induce and manage the intended social chaos.

Siegel states myopically that the “whole story of the pandemic” is this “panic and fear.”

Really, you dimwit?

“What is the science here?” the moron rhetorically asks. “Viruses change all the time,” he comforts. They “mutate”– a word from science that Siegel attributes to “Hollywood.”

Perhaps this medical “expert” suffered a lobotomy, erasing his memory that there are hundreds of viral vaccine labs worldwide that mutate viruses.

Altogether, these labs grow mutant viruses in cell cultures, animals, or people injected with different species of ‘mutagens’. Common subjects historically included prisoners, military personnel, and the mentally-ill.

Thus, thousands of mutant strains of viruses were (and still are) manufactured and distributed.

Supposedly, these “mutants” are needed for cancer research and vaccine developments. At least that’s the con-job justifying this risky industry.

Moreover, Siegel conceals the ‘dual use’ these mutants provide in both vaccinology and the military for depopulating bioweaponry. (That is central to the “Final Solution” and “Great Global Reset.”)

Google search for instance, “coronavirus-SARS-HIV mutant” and you will get more than 2 million hits. Many source from esteemed peer-reviewed science journals, not simply “Hollywood” propagandists or demonic quacks.

Siegal blunders that these mutants are “almost always inconsequential.” Then he states: “That’s why scientists don’t tell about them.”

Horseshit Feigned as News

What horseshit! Only a medically-trained imbecile would claim scientists choose to hide the risks of lab virus mutants because they are “almost always inconsequential.”

Those who are informed hold their tongues for fear of losing their jobs, grants, and careers leveraged by the drug industry for stockholders, mainly investment bankers.

They don’t give a shit about telling the truth about anything life-saving unless it profits them financially.

COVID-19 Bombshell
Click to listen to Dr. Horowitz reveal “The Bombshell”

What about the presumably ‘rare’ lab outbreak that COVID-19 is evidenced to be? Is that “inconsequential”?

What about another ‘exception’ to Dr. Siegel’s ‘inconsequential’ viral mutations–the leukemia/lymphoma/sarcoma SIV(chimpanzee) virus that sourced HIV/AIDS. This has already killed more than 40 million people worldwide. Is that “inconsequential,” Dr. Siegel?

Is it also inconsequential that an effective AIDS-vaccine has evaded science for the same reason? Mutagenicity.

New mutant strains of COVID-19/20/21 are now emerging similarly.

The two main lies are: (1) that the newly emerging strain (discussed below) is not more deadly, only more transmissible; and (2) the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines remain “effective” against the new mutant.

Historically, by the time flu vaccines have reached the market they are made impotent due to multiple mutations/’reassortments’ or recombinations.

Is that “inconsequential”? Not at all!

Both HIV and the COVID-19 virus is similarly unstable, because they are both ‘mutagens’–lab-engineered unstable viruses that easily mutate.

Dr. Siegel, is it further “inconsequential” that HIV sourced much like the new “faster-spreading coronavirus mutant” that broke out in England and is now spreading globally? (New cases have emerged in California, Colorado and Florida at the time of this writing.)

With HIV and COVID-19, both predecessor-viruses came from lab animals.

With HIV-1, the simian immuno-deficiency virus mutant came from the chimpanzee virus (SIVcpz) to create HIV/AIDS. That “mutant” was manufactured by the bioweapons-contractor and vaccine virus supplier, Litton Bionetics. This group shipped these mutants and/or infected lab animals to Merck & Co. for the 1972-74 gay/Black hepatitis B vaccines that triggered the AIDS pandemic.

How different is that history from what is happening now with COVID-19/20/21? Similar man-made sources and lab proceedings, simply different labs and intended outcomes.

Fraud and Genocide is not “Inconsequential”

Fraudulently concealing these facts (as the media does) is not “inconsequential.”

Siegel also conceals the substantive science evidencing HIV-1 genes are in the COVID-19 ‘Spike protein’ that the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines are massively reproducing and spreading across society. This risks further mutations beyond the COVID-19 coronavirus-SARS mutant that is akin to ‘respiratory AIDS.’

Furthermore, both viruses, HIV and the pandemic coronavirus mutants, have now been determined to be ‘retroviruses.’ Both similarly corrupt DNA to output more and more of the immune-system sabotaging ‘antigens’–the mRNA nano-gel covered “spike proteins.”

Yet, simpleton Siegel stupidly believes this COVID pathogen emerged from a bat flying hundreds-of-miles away from the Wuhan meat market that never sold any ‘bat meat’!

“The one time they [scientists] talk about these mutants,” Siegel added, is in the rare instance that the virus becomes more transmissible.”

More incredible bullshit. There are hundreds-of-thousands of scientific articles detailing viral-transmission studies that scientists worldwide have talked about annually at conferences for the past seventy-years, proud of their accomplishments in producing “advance function” viruses oblivious to the risk of civilization’s extinction.

Real Science Dr. Siegel Evades and Conceals

According the Wall Street Journal (December 19, 2020; also owned by FOX News’ owner, Rupert Murdoch; who is heavily invested in the drug cartel and profits from drug advertisements) the new hyper-transmissible COVID strain emerged in the UK, and quickly accounted for 62% of new cases.

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But at least one intelligent reader raised the most reasonable concern given the science underlying the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA “genetic therapies” (i.e., not actually “vaccines” in the traditional sense). The Anonymous investigator (“AI”) responded concerning the surge in hyper-transmissible cases by stating, “This follows the inoculation of 350,000 with Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine.”

This researcher continued, “Per the British Medical Journal, this emergent strain VUI-202012/01 primarily differs from 614G (prior dominant strain) by a N501Y mutation in the spike protein that the virus uses to bind to the human ACE2 receptor.”

It should be known that this COVID-19 “mutation in the spike protein” alters the exact section of the virus containing the aforementioned lab-added (four) gene sequences that have been solidly demonstrated to have sourced from the AIDS-virus, HIV-1.

“Just last month,” AI quoted, “researchers at University College London warned we need to remain vigilant for genetic changes to Sars-Cov-2, based on the imminent introduction of vaccines which may ‘exert new selective pressures on the virus.'”

“Given that both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are specifically-designed to create novel in vivo spike proteins, do we now need to be vigilant to the possibility that the N501Y mutation is being induced by mRNA vaccine ‘selection pressure’?”

A most reasonable and urgent question.

In other words, could the new mRNA vaccines have caused the hyper-transmissible mutant to emerge? Not only is this a most reasonable and alarming theory, but also a PREDICTED outcome broadcast by this author (Horowitz) in numerous videos, radio interviews, and online publications.

Big Pharma-trolls’ Frivolous and Capricious Denials

Shortly after AI posted his question and concern, he was met with the following opposition from “Robert Kuchta”.

“It is unclear if the mutation you cite is the reason this virus is more infectious.”

The use of the word “unclear” lends credence to AI’s thesis.

“This strain has a large number of other mutations as well, any of which could also contribute to its increased infectivity.”

Notice respondent Kuchta neglected to cite where those other “large number of mutations” have occurred. A competent scientist or critic would have cited these, suggesting Kuchta is neither.

“If interested,” Kuchta continued, “I could go into the biochemistry of why the mutation in the spike protein may (stress may) not be responsible for the increased infectivity.”

OBJECTION: If that were the case, if biochemistry supersedes ‘mRNA genetic re-programming’ (which it doesn’t) then for the benefit of WSJ readers, Kuchta’s explanation would have been beneficial, but not at all exculpatory.

“The vaccine is not the cause of the mutations,” Kuchta added.

But frankly, that is a stupid and reckless statement, akin to those made by Dr. Siegel. This statement could not have been posted by a legitimate scientist or research scholar. That ‘conclusory statement’ raises probable cause to presume respondent Kuchta is a dimwit or ‘Pharma-troll,’ precisely like Siegel.

The Pharma-troll continued with his frivolous and capricious denial, “[S]imply because the vaccine and resulting immunity has not been around long enough.”

False Denials of Timeliness and Showing His Hand

FACT: The Pfizer vaccine was approved and administered forthwith in the UK on December 3, 2020. That means the Spike protein mutation occurred approximately one-to-two weeks after hundreds-of-thousands of Brits had been given the DNA-modulating ‘therapy’. That is plenty-of-time for multiple mutations to have occurred, enabling the reported increase in the virus’s transmissibility.

Next, the Pharma-troll propagandist Kuchta ‘showed his hand.’

“Will the spike protein mutation affect the immunity provided by the vaccine – most likely no, but only time will tell.”

AI never questioned the impact the mutation(s) might have on the efficacy of the Pfizer or Moderna injections.

“The selection pressure induced by the vaccine is no different than the selection pressure exerted by the large number of people already infected,” the Pharma-troll added.

However, taking this second baseless ‘conclusory’ statement devoid of science on its face, Kuchta claimed that the vaccine delivers the same “selection pressure” as the general circulating virus. But that is unreasonable because the mutation occurred on the precise spike-protein that the vaccine mass-produces, far-and-away above what the general circulating viruses replicate.

To the above frivolous and capricious misinformation, Pharma-troll Kuchta added, “An infection is the best ‘vaccine’ you can get in terms of developing an immune response.”

If that is the case, then why vaccinate at all? Surely “herd immunity” is the objective to save the most lives. So why not just allow the natural transmissions to advance freely?

The answer is that the Big Pharma/Big Tech/Big Media/Big Banking/Big Military Global Elite targeting civilization for a global, geopolitical, and economic takeover–a coup–needs propaganda, public panic, vaccination hype, as imposed manipulations to hoodwink populations. They are administering these objectives in advance of the “Great Global Reset”–an extortion enabling global fascism.

Mounting Opposition to Pharma-troll Misinformation

AI replied to Kuchta as follows: “Robert, according to Professor Julian Hiscox, chair in infection and global health at the University of Liverpool, there is no evidence that VUI-202012/01 (the dominant strain in the UK) will respond to the current vaccine.”

“Also, both Prof Hiscox and Dr. Zania Stamataki, viral immunologist at the University of Birmingham, are indicating it is very likely we will need multiple vaccines to deal with these fast moving mutations.

“Given these expert opinions, I would appreciate if you could provide the basis for your statement that the ‘spike mutation’ most likely will not affect the immunity provided by the mRNA vaccine.”

The Pharma-troll did not respond to AI’s challenge.


AI concluded much like I have regarding the “mutations and vaccine effectiveness.”

“For influenza we supposedly need new vaccines each year. The reason for this is that influenza is considered a ‘shape shifter.’ [Dr. Siegel made light of this in the FOX News segment.] One or a couple of mutations in the influenza surface proteins can completely change their surface shape (what the immune system reacts to) such that it is ridiculously easy for a new strain of influenza to avoid or dominate the immune system.

“It is clearly worrisome that the human immune response to the other 4 endemic coronaviruses is not long-lasting. The other four (4) coronaviruses endemic to humans that cause common ‘colds’ do not appear to have this ‘shape-shifting’ ability in nature.”

This fact suggests that Covid-19/20/21 would not be a shape-shifter by nature. Only man-made ‘scientific’ or imposed ‘public health’ interventions raise these risks. We repeatedly see this outcome evidenced by genetically-modified germs and vaccinations.

“With these new viruses,” AI concluded, “you can be reinfected by the identical virus within about a year (at least in kids where there is the best data) based on the germs’ ‘mutagenicity.'”

This is the perfect intentional result sought by the global elite profiting from civilization’s depopulation and the mass chaos we witness advancing Bill Gates’s “Final Solution,”
Big Tech’s globalization impositions, and the Great Global Reset justified by the economic shutdowns contrived along with COVID-19.




About the Author

Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, DMD, MA, MPH, DNM (hon.), DMM (hon.) is a Harvard-trained emerging diseases expert, heavily-published in the fields of behavioral science, public health education, and natural health promotion.

Considered a “polymath” by his peers. This award-winning medical scholar, author, film-maker, consumer health activist, drug industry critic, and intelligence industry analyst has published twenty-two books (including three American bestsellers), dozens of peer-reviewed scientific articles, and seven (7) documentary films, including the “Best Film – 2016” at the World International Film Festival in London and Geneva competitions for UN-VAXXED: A Docu-commentary for Robert De  Niro.

Dr. Horowitz’s first bestseller, a landmark medical text, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola—Nature, Accident or Intention? is credited by CDC and WHO officials as most influential in establishing vaccination risks opposed by “vaccine hesitant” activists worldwide. The United Nations AIDS Secretariat to the UN Theme Group on AIDS proposed banning the doctor’s mention and research in this field–an act many consider among the doctor’s greatest honors.

Click to Order the book now.

Horowitz’s many videos and lectures can be viewed on RevolutionTelevision.net after Google/YouTube censored 157 of the doctor’s videos.

Dr. Horowitz’s second bestseller, Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, has prompted a revolution in the music and natural healing arts and sciences.

Click to Order the book now.

His 2007 decryption of Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous drawing revealed the mathematics of LOVE: The Real da Vinci CODE; and his follow-up text, the most monumental of his 40-year career, The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of LOVE, reveals “God’s creative technology,” available for revolutionizing every industry, especially music and recording artistry, healthcare and medicine, nutrition, environmental protection, natural resource restoration, along with civilization’s transformation as an “enlightened species” choosing peaceful sustainable collaboration versus murderous degenerative competition and lethal consumption.

International acclaim is mounting for the doctor’s works revealing Solfeggio frequency physics and metaphysics that has prompted the “528LOVERevolution” commercialized in the rapidly growing 528RadioNetwork.com (528Radio.com) that broadcasts “medicinal music” transposed into the “LOVE frequency” of 528Hz/nm, that is the central resonance frequency of sunshine, rainbows, chlorophyll, oxygen, water, and “faithful prayer.”

Dr. Horowitz’s most popular videos on the “COVID-19 COUP” may be viewed by clicking the following banners:

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