Colloidal Silver Products Don’t Stand a Chance Against OxySilver. Here’s Why . . . .
Unlike colloidal silvers, and even the best “nano-silver hydrosols,” OxySilver uses “528 structured water” to resonate a very unique silver-oxygen bond in the water. This creates a very unique molecule that delivers the most powerful healing message to your body.
You might think that is just a silly sales pitch, but it’s really an astonishing fact proven by double-blind peer reviewed science.
The 528Hz frequency alone caused a 100% increase in anti-oxidant activity boosting natural immunity. It also caused a 20% increase in nerve cell “viability,” health and protection.
These facts can be life-saving. But there is much more to know about the extraordinary OxySilver product. It acts as a broad spectrum anti-microbial, anti-viral, anti-fungal alternative to deadly antibiotics and risky vaccines.
Colloidal silvers can’t compete. Although they have been a reliable alternative to poisoning yourself and family members with deadly antibiotics or risky vaccinations to defeat infectious diseases, OxySilver is much more advanced. OxySilver has three things going for it, and for you, that colloidal silvers don’t have:
(1) The Oxygenating Power of OxySilver
Colloidal silver is simply small particles of silver floating in water. The particles are so small they stay in solution. That is why it is called colloidal silver, because the silver stays in a “colloidal” suspension in solution. Several of the best colloidal silver products claim they have the smallest particles, and that’s why they’re claimed to be the “best.”
But even the best micro-fine particle-size “silver hydrosols” can’t compete against Oxysilver because they are still simply small silver particles floating in water.

OxySilver, on the other hand, not only uses tiny micro-fine particles that stay in solution like the best silver hydrosols do, but more importantly OxySilver advanced a unique molecule first developed by NASA scientists to keep astronauts healthy in space.
NASA researchers invented OxySilver’s first prototype–a COVALENTLY BONDED SILVER HYDROSOL. That means that the tiny silver is actually bonded to the water molecule creating a whole new molecular structure that features a “cloud of oxygen” atoms energetically attracted to each atom of silver.
Oxygen is the most powerful cleaning and disinfecting element in nature. Oxygen is what makes water “the universal solvent” capable of cleaning up pollutants better than anything else in nature.
And when it comes to killing germs, oxygen is extremely powerful, because most germs that cause diseases (i.e., pathogens) hate oxygen. That is, they are “anaerobic.” And when an oxygen atom touches the bacteria or virus the oxygen actually electrocutes the disease-former by pulling electrons away from their protective outer coating (i.e., cell membrane or viral “envelope”).
So although colloidal and nano silver products are good, far safer and better than antibiotics, better still is OxySilver. Because it not only has the germ-killing power of silver, but the superior power of oxygen coupled with silver AND 528 “structured” water to eliminate the varmints that cause disease.
(2) The Relaxing and Alkalizing Power of OxySilver:
People usually get sick due to stress that causes acidification of body chemistry as well as immune system suppression.
Colloidal silvers do not reduce stress. Nor do they alkalize your body. But OxySilver does.
Consider this most important problem overcome by OxySilver:
Infectious diseases thrive in bodies that are stressed and immune-suppressed, but also acidified. ALL CHRONIC DISEASES REQUIRE ACID BODY CHEMISTRY.
Most cancers, for instance, only grow in acidified tissues.
Autoimmune diseases, including arthritis, common forms of diabetes, and nervous system ailments likewise thrive in people whose chemistry has turned acidic from stress and common lifestyle risks (including caffeine, nicotine, sugar, STRESS, alcohol, pharmaceuticals, and lots of red meat).
Colloidal silver does nothing to remedy this problem, but OxySilver does.
OxySilver Acts to Relax, De-stress and Alkalize You.
The unique Oxy-Silver molecule in OxySilver is manufactured with the sound and light central to nature and well being. Colloidal silver isn’t.
That is, OxySilver is made using the 528Hz/nm frequencies of sound and light that reflect the color of chlorophyll, and the heart of sunshine. This is the greenish-yellow color at the heart of rainbows (i.e., the electromagnetic color spectrum). If you don’t think this is important, even miracle-making, think again. . . .
Have you ever worked really hard, and after a tough day taken a shower or bath to relax and DE-STRESS? Or have you ever been emotionally upset by something or someone and gone for a walk in the woods, or along the seashore, and after a few minutes felt much better?
Did you ever consider why?
Probably not.
But here’s why, and why OxySilver is extraordinary, and colloidal silver can’t compete.
Your relaxation response is caused by at least two things:
(1) Fresh pure oxygen that is alkalizing because of the chemistry of oxygen in moist air. The combination of oxygen in water in the air, or in your shower or bath, alkalizes due to the “hydroxyl radical,” like a “negative air ion.” The oxygen and hydrogen combine to produce “OH–” particles that make you relax, breathe deeper, feel better, de-stress, alkalize, and heal; and
(2) If you were to choose what color is most relaxing: red, orange, or green, you would probably say green. Not only because you learned how to drive a car and obey traffic lights.
Fresh pure oxygen from plants is no doubt resonating in the same frequency that is reflecting into your eyes from plants–that is, 528nm. OxySilver is manufactured using this frequency of light. Colloidal silver isn’t.
That means OxySilver performs like a powerful homeopathic to deliver the resonance energy at the heart of nature. This too causes the relaxation response. It also causes OxySilver users to feel better immediately.
In fact, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, the developer of OxySilver with 528, published an extraordinary peer reviewed science article on this very subject. It is titled: ” ”Electro-dynamics and 528 Frequency Resonance in Water Science Helps Solve the Mystery in Homeopathy.” This wonderful article demystifies miracles in medicine. The doctor also explains how and why the best patients and healthcare providers use “prayer power” to get the best results.
(3) OxySilver is the World’s First Manufactured “Holy Water” Designed to be Used with “Prayer Power”:
If you don’t believe faithful prayer can produce healing miracles, OxySilver might help you change your mind.
We put 528Hz/nm of vibrating energy into every OxySilver molecule to match the “good vibration” of your heart. Dr. Horowitz did this because he knows that “heart-felt loving intention in faithful prayer” works powerfully to help you stay healthy or recover quickly.
That is the purpose of OxySilver.
Other silver products cannot make that claim, nor demonstrate such amazing and quick benefits.
But why do we actually risk your trust and purchase by making these claims. We know there are a lot of ‘athiests’ and science ‘skeptics’ that don’t believe in prayer, or even God.
Frankly, “Holy Water(s)” have been studied in many parts of the world by many researchers, including Dr. Lee Lorenzen from United States, and Dr. Masaru Emoto from Japan. Together, these early investigators determined that “Holy Water” is “conscious” and “structured.”
That is, as Dr. Horowitz explained in his Homeopathic Links peer-reviewed science paper, water responds to your prayers. The molecule, what Dr. Horowitz calls “liquid God,” responds to heart-felt loving intention–including the intention to heal quickly and stay healthy.
During the late 1990s and early 2000s, Dr. Emoto photographed water “messages” within six-sided hexagonal-shaped “structured” (or “clustered”) water molecules that Dr. Lorenzen determined impacted genetic structuring and function. Lorenzen and Emoto, like last century’s greatest genius, Nikola Tesla, recommended prayer to empower water-based inventions.
“It’s not that OxySilver won’t work if you don’t use prayer power,” Dr. Horowitz explains. He was privileged to work very closely for many years with Drs. Lorenzen and Emoto. “OxySilver will work regardless of your faith in God or prayer power. But neglecting the science that even confirms prayer-power is not very smart. It’s especially dumb if you have a patient, friend or loved one sick or dying. Why not use the best of what ‘nature’ has given us to save lives?”
Dr. Horowitz has actually shamed and discredited minions of science “skeptics” and critics who claimed that “water cannot hold an electrical charge.”
Watch HERE a dozen doctors and nurses getting powerfully zapped, twice, by the same single liter of water during Dr. Horowitz’s live demonstration before the American College of Alternative Medicine.

Read the amazing testimonials people have written about OxySilver. You wil then know and understand why users are reporting such wonderful benefits.
Dr. Horowitz explains the triggering of miraculous healings using OxySilver the same way the religious world views the “Holy Spirit” that naturally restores, sustains, and extends life. In Eastern theologies, this is considered the “prana” and “breath of life.”
Many OxySilver users, including Dr. Horowitz, actually “see” light energy increasing within themselves after they close their eyes and sip a cap full of OxySilver.
(WARNING: Never take OxySilver with table wear. A silver spoon or container will “blow out” the structure of the solution. Use wood or plastic.)
The light that many people “see” (or visualize) inside themselves when consuming OxySilver radiates throughout their bodies instantly.
This positive impact is increased when OxySilver is used as directed; that is, with prayer-power.
Dr. Horowitz celebrates OxySilver as an invention of pure science. New revelations in physics, biophysics, metaphysics, electro-genetics, and pure LOVE resonance–the “Universal Healer”–creates and explains the miracles happening for OxySilver users.(1)
Thousands of doctors are now using OxySilver most successfully.
To learn more about this subject, and OxySilver’s pioneering application of 528nm/Hz frequency “good vibrations,” read Dr. Horowitz’s The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of LOVE.
Summary & Conclusion
In summary, OxySilver and colloidal silvers have little in common.
Only OxySilver oxygenates as well as electrocutes germs. Only OxySilver, not colloidal silver, relaxes and alkalizes users. Only OxySilver acts like a “Holy Water” to enhance ‘prayer-power’ through 528 resonance technology.
OxySilver offers the world a better way to keep people healthy and recover from diseases. This is especially important for people who are concerned about emerging diseases such as Zika, HIV/AIDS, Ebola, H1N1/H5N1, or dengue fever. This is especially important for people who no longer trust Big Pharma and the “medical establishment.” Especially intelligent and faithful people increasingly recognize the mischief ongoing in the pharmaceutical industry and “modern medicine.” Thankfully, OxySilver is here to provide the greatest, safest, and most economical protection in the world of man-made risks.
Used as directed, as a vaccine substitute or antibiotic alternative, at the first sign of a cold, flu or other illness, OxySilver is guaranteed to ‘kick the bug’ rapidly, or your money back!
OxySilver Healthguard is sold for only $39.95 per 8 ounce bottle. People save 40% when they buy a case of 18 for only $533.52. Click HERE to buy one bottle now.
To view “Never Get Sick Again or Your Money Back! An ‘OxySilver’ Infomercial with Sherri Kane and Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz,” click HERE.
To view Dr. Horowitz’s OxySilver solo presentation, click HERE.
To view a one minute animated OxySilver commercial, click HERE, and
To view Dr. Horowitz’s “Suppressed Disease Remedy” Presentation, click HERE.
(1) Did you know that the first science book was titled PHYSICS by Aristotle?
Did you know that Aristotle named his book for the word “philos” meaning LOVE?
Did you know that LOVE is “the Universal Healer,” and vibrating Water the “Universal Solvent.”
Accordingly, the resonance of chlorophyll–528Hz/528nm, that is the sound of music at the heart of the “Universal Matrix of Creation,” is put into OxySilver to produce healing miracles with the music of ‘LOVE/528.’
Have you heard that music is the “Universal Language?”
Dr. Horowitz has largely pioneered the field of ‘Frequency Rehab’ that you can learn about by CLICKING HERE.
OxySilver puts science together with “prayer power.”
OxySilver is totally different from colloidal silver, because it brings about healing from your heart. That atonement (a-tone-meant; at-one-meant) reflects Divine-human communion, otherwise known as “phase locking” in physics and energy medicine.
There is spiritual unity and Divine harmony in devout prayer; and in the musical mathematical matrix of creation that the religious world calls the “Kingdom of Heaven.”
OxySilver, with the great 528 vibration, is in sync with your heart and the heart of the ‘universal matrix,’ the heart of sunshine and rainbows, the heart of nature, the heart of the Creator, and your heart too.