Home BioEnergy & Frequency Therapies Antidote to Vaccine Injuries Features “Green Bioelectronics” Generating Anti-oxidants from 528 Frequency...

Antidote to Vaccine Injuries Features “Green Bioelectronics” Generating Anti-oxidants from 528 Frequency Resonance in OxySilver Pioneered Nutraceuticals




528 frequency “electroceuticals” may serve in immunotherapies and graphene detoxification formulas. These proposed remedies are important following reports of severe immunological suppression, genetic alterations, and increased morbidity and mortality in COVID vaccine recipients that have raised the need for safe and effective antidotes. Massive public distrust of vaccines, drug companies, governmental agencies, media propaganda and censorship, undermines official denials regarding risks from spike-protein antigens, new nano-bioelectronic lipid hydrogel “payload” delivery technologies, and especially hexagonal-matrix graphene mono/di and tri-atomic layers that are being used in new vaccines and drug delivery systems, including dental anesthetics. The pharmaceutical industry has been heavily invested in advancing such graphene-energized nano-bioelectronic devices particularly for data-mining in human bodies, and overcoming blood-brain barrier restrictions.

Official assurances that the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines do not contain such advanced nano-bioelectronic technology is incongruous, presumably specious, given the extent to which fraud has been committed by government officials and the media and. The now-proven falsity of official assurances that COVID emerged from the wild, and safety and efficacy claims regarding the “novel” COVID vaccines, are two glaring and disconcerting examples.

The graphene-energized bioelectronics industry has been growing explosively, especially because such bioenergy technology intertwines with artificial intelligence (“AI”) and nano-bioelectronics impinging on every aspect of life, commerce, medicine, and pharmacology. Given these scientific advancements and commercial interests, it must be presumed that millions of vaccine and/or anesthetic drug recipients are now at risk for suffering from graphene toxicity and related illnesses.

Substantial scientific evidence of vaccine graphene and COVID spike-protein antigen toxicity, even lethality, has been published. Contrary to common sense, such risks have been generally disregarded. Nano-bioelectronic self-assembling and self-replicating graphene devices deployed via anesthetics and vaccines should be outlawed for as little as lacking informed consent, notwithstanding the threat of human extinction. The largely secreted deployment of nano-bioelectronic graphene devices, compounding risks from vaccine hydrogel lipids and spike-protein antigenic complexes from COVID and COVID mRNA vaccines, violates informed-consent, human rights, ethics, morals, and religious values, along with philosophical objections. These facts and risks require scrutiny and remedies.

Preventatives and cures are being sought and found. Commercially viable natural remedies are available that operate consistently with scientific determinations in these multidisciplinary fields, including “green bioelectronics.” Green bioelectronics characterizes a proposed remedy to COVID infections, and graphene and spike protein toxicity, invented initially by NASA scientists to keep astronauts healthy in space. This author, whose conflicting financial interest in such “electroceutical” advancements, does not preclude the legitimacy of the scientific facts detailed in the author’s peer reviewed scientific publications and elsewhere.

The author’s proposed “green” remedy is called “ZeoLOVETM with 528 (frequency resonance).” This product further advances the NASA technology re-branded as  “OxySilverTM with 528” that has been proven to generate substantial antioxidant and free radical scavenging activity when used as directed. Thus, these products compete directly against risky vaccines and deadly antibiotics. These low-cost risk-free electroceuticals are leverage natural electromagnetic and bio-acoustic forces of sound and light. These frequency dynamics impact DNA structure and genetic expression to boost general immunity and hastened recoveries from infectious diseases, including “COVID.”  The ZeoLOVETM product is particularly suited to serve as an “antidote” to graphene poisoning. The main active ingredients include humic acid, fulvic acid, 528-resonating plasmonic gold and silver,  hexagonally structured water, and the 528 frequency water memory infused by the nano-silver covalently-bonded to the structured water hydrosol (i.e., OxySilverTM with 528”). When combined with zeolite, silicon, and anti-oxidant vitamins, these ingredients provide a remedy or “antidote” that may be relied upon for immune enhancement, disease prevention, and health recovery.



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2. Bhardwaj, H., Sumana, G., Marquette, C.A., A Label-Free Ultrasensitive Microfluidic Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensor for Aflatoxin B1 detection using Nanoparticles integrated Gold chip, Food Chemistry (2019), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2019.125530. Quoting these authors from full text:

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4. Li W, Calle LM, Hanford AJ, Stambaugh I, and Callahan MR. Investigation of Silver Biocide as a Disinfection Technology for Spacecraft – An Early Literature Review. NASA, Kennedy Space Center, 48th International Conference on Environmental Systems 8-12 July 2018, Albuquerque, New Mexico. ICES-2018-82. Online at: https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/20180005617/downloads/20180005617.pdf



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