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30-Year Lab Virus Vaccine Veteran Presents Sworn Documents in Video Evidencing COVID-19’s Bioweaponization from HIV-1/AIDS.

Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, Medical Editor

(MedicalVeritas.org; January 8, 2025)—Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, a 30-year veteran of HIV/AIDS science and the world’s best credentialed, most prolific, and widely censored public health scholar, slams the “Final Report” of the U.S. Congress’s House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic released December 4th, as a “genocidal whitewash.” In a free 27-minute sworn video presentation he charges officials with fraud, censorship, pro-vaccine politics, deadly Big Pharma influence, and criminal complicity in mass killings.

In the video, titled “Congress’ Criminal Complicity in the COVID Vaccination Genocide” (Medical Veritas International, Inc.; RevolutionTelevision.net) Dr. Horowitz condemns the 557-page Final Report for the “Lessons Learned and Path Forward” that he concludes is deceptive and deadly by its omissions and evasion of facts linking the COVID-19 lab virus to HIV-1 genes from the AIDS virus and related cancers.

The Harvard-trained public health authority objects to the “propaganda” heralding “Operation Warp Speed” as a great success. His opposition largely addresses a neglected “Indian Paper”—a highly censored scientific ‘smoking gun’ that prompted Dr. Anthony Fauci and his “inner circle” to panic and lie in damage-control about COVID’s emergence from the wild.

The doctor’s video testimony condemns alleged fraud and official malfeasance used to get around FDA restrictions. Not only did the mRNA virus and vaccine makers fraudulently claim the “novel immunizations” were vaccines, and not new non-drug risky “therapeutics,” but industry officials censored known or likely side-effects.

The whistleblower especially objects to the Final Report’s disregard of its own conclusion that, “[r]ampant fraud, waste, and abuse plagued the COVID-19 pandemic response.”

“The highest probability is that the COVID vaccines killed and maimed millions more people than it supposedly helped or saved,” Dr. Horowitz argues. “And with long covid and covid cancers continuing to increase, millions more are risking death. So the ‘path forward,’ without addressing these issues, is genocidal.”

Horowitz’s testimony evidences the vaccine-cancer industry’s pattern-and-practice of fraudulently concealing risky laboratory mutations of deadly pathogens for cancer research, vaccine developments, and illegal bioweapons production. This is euphemistically called “gain-of-function” rather than intoxication for immunosuppression, disease induction, and depopulation.

He insists that COVID-19’s “gain-of-function” sources from early HIV-1/AIDS patents held by Dr. Fauci’s “inner circle” showing the bat/SARS coronavirus mutant deriving more than 60% of its infectious genes in the all-important attachment “spike protein” spliced from HIV-1.

Condemning the alleged criminal “pattern-and-practice” of racketeering in the vaccine trade, he points to a very similar and related “whitewash” of AIDS’s lab creation by Dr. Fauci, Dr. Robert Gallo, and fellow NIH, NIAID, and NCI officials during the early 1980s. This alleged cover-up similarly claimed AIDS came from wild monkeys in Africa rather than vaccine lab experiments on chimpanzees. That allegation and evidence prompted Congressman James Traficant (D-Ohio) to order a U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) investigation in 2002 wherein Horowitz’s published science and witness testimony was sought and censored. Thereafter, the allegations were dismissed as “conspiracy theory.”

Now, the Congress’ Final Report on the lab outbreak of COVID-19 concludes this is not a “conspiracy theory.” Alternatively, it is a “conspiracy reality” insists the veteran whistleblower.

Unfortunately, Congress’ “way forward” says nothing about criminally prosecuting the devil-doers, or even forbidding further ‘gain-of-function’ bio-weaponization of viruses. Based on this censorship and criminal complicity within government, Dr. Horowitz concludes, “the MAGA and MAHA movements are delusional concepts without bringing these complicit agents to justice, thereby stopping the pattern-and-practice of institutionalized mass-mediated bioterrorism, future pandemics, and the ever-mounting vaccination genocide. The ‘whitewash’ cannot and will not restore faith in American government, public health, justice, National Security, and human decency.”

Based on this censorship and criminal complicity within government, Dr. Horowitz argues, “the MAGA and MAHA movements are delusional concepts without bringing the complicit agents to justice, thereby stopping the ever-mounting morbidity, mortality, and vaccination genocide.”

In November, 2024, Dr. Horowitz drafted a Congressional resolution submitted to Rep. Byron Donalds (R) of Florida, to repeal the law protecting drug companies from liability at taxpayer expense. The proposed repeal encourages a review favoring President Trump’s appointment of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as HHS Secretary; restraints on the “revolving door” influence over government by drug companies; and alternative remedies for better health and safety.

Leading Science Analyst Drafts Congressional Repeal of Vaccine Injury Law Protecting Big Pharma Against Liability

In a separate publication, the award-winning public health scholar and vaccine risk analyst urged President Trump’s reconsideration of polio vaccines that are erroneously believed to have conquered polio. The doctor fortifies this opposition with direct video interviews of polio vaccine pioneer, Dr. Albert Sabin, as well as the chief vaccine maker, Dr. Maurice Hilleman. The former revealed the false faith in the polio vaccine was engineered by media propaganda; and the latter stated the polio vaccine was heavily contaminated with money cancer viruses.

A downloadable copy of the doctor’s peer-reviewed science paper linking the lab engineered COVID virus and vaccines to mounting lymphatic cancers is available for download at MedicalVeritas.org.


Note to Journalists: Dr. Horowitz may be contacted for interviews on this topic by e-mailing:  Editor@MedicalVeritas.org


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