Fakespot.com Fraud Damages Public Health & Safety by AI Trickery: Unfair and Deceptive Computer Program Confuses Customers Seeking Safe and Effective Alternatives to Risky Vaccinations and Deadly Antibiotics.
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz
Sherri Kane
October 21, 2019
(MedicalVeritas.org) This CONSUMER ALERT provides public notice of an e-commerce scam and fraud in the administration of the highly touted ‘service’ called Fakespot.com.
Fakespot.com is a computer service that claims to fairly and accurately distinguish real from fake product reviews posted online by customers. False ratings and testimonials are claimed to be vetted by this service. The world’s leading stores including Amazon, Walmart, Best Buy, and advertisers such as Yelp and Trip Advisor, etc. are commonly claimed by Fakespot.com to publish false reviews. These are allegedly determined without bias by Fakespot.com’s ‘sophisticated’ artificial intelligence (“AI”) algorithm.
But a pilot inquiry here into Fakespot’s “service,” prompted by an erroneous “F” rating given “OxySilver with 528” for “suspiciously positive reviews,” exposes a pattern of smearing natural health products, including safe and effective alternatives to deadly drugs and risky vaccinations.
This article exposes the fraud and danger to public health and safety in Fakespot.com’s shady operation. We examine the company’s financial backers who are heavily invested in Big Pharma and the allopathic medical trade. Our review of this evidence follows a telephone inquiry we made with Fakespot Inc.’s Corporate Counsel and Chief Operations Officer, Robert E. Gross.
Our conversation with attorney Gross was legally recorded in Hawaii and is playable online by clicking the banner below. It is posted here as a public service. It contains further evidence of Fakespot.com’s administrative prejudice and deceptive trade.
Our form of activism in consumer advocacy accords with public duty doctrine to prevent diseases and damage to citizens’ health and safety from Fakespot.com’s consumer fraud.

After reviewing this article, you can address your complaints to: FAKESPOT.com, Attn: Attorney Robert E. Gross, Chief Operations Officer, 110 Wall Street, Suite 2-028, New York, NY 10005 (215-704-6760) and Doc Parghi at: Doc@sricapital.com. Mr. Parghi is a partner in Fakespot Inc. He is closely tied to SRI Capital, as evidenced by his e-mail address.
Introduction to Fakespot.com’s Unfair and Deceptive Trade
This article follows our Oct. 15, 2019 telephone conversation with Fakespot’s COO, Mr. Gross. He is also Fakespot’s lawyer. We initially addressed our disturbing introduction to Fakespot.com as can be heard on the recording.
Fakespot.com was brought to our attention the day prior to our conversation with Mr. Gross. A bewildered customer of CureShoppe.com contacted us regarding the “F” rating that the product OxySilverTM (OxySilver.com) received by presumably Fakespot’s artificial intelligence (“AI”).
The screenshots below show the “F” rating that Fakespot.com’s AI technology (presumably without human intention) published. This “F” rating was based on allegedly 15 consumers’ testimonials reviewed by Fakespot’s AI. The reviews were honest statements that satisfied persons published on Amazon.com after using OxySilverTM. All were satisfied and many were even delighted.
Instead of giving OxySilver its deserved “A”, FakeSpot.com instead published that these 15 reviews were “suspiciously positive.” This ‘automatic’ finding supposedly justified Fakespot’s “F” rating assigned to disparage OxySilverTM and discourage people from buying this valuable alternative to risky vaccinations and deadly antibiotics.
Equally disturbing, the screenshot below evidences FakeSpot’s baiting OxySilver customers and online users to switch to FakeSpot’s endorsed competing set of products, all manufactured by American Biotech Labs (aka Silver Solution USA).
We are very familiar with American Biotech Labs (aka Silver Solution USA). Years ago we were required to research and report on that company following damage to Dr. Horowitz’s company, HealthyWorldStore.com, caused by the American Biotech Labs enterprise. Some of that information is still published online at SilverSolFraud.com.
We realized that Fakespot.com used its false rating to bait consumers to switch to lesser quality and less reliable competing products. In OxySilver’s case, Fakespot directed shoppers to an assortment of products sold by American Biotech Labs (ABL).
We previously exposed ABL as untrustworthy. Years ago, ABL concealed its conversion of Dr. Horowitz’s intellectual property. ABL concealed its conflicting interests in biological warfare and ‘crisis capitalism.’
We documented that ABL especially targeted right-wing anti-government groups while its leading officials (i.e., ‘inside traders’) were in government, Homeland Security, and the U.S. military. These red flags provided probable cause to suspect Fakespot for fraud, and investigate further.
Background on these Authors and Disparaged OxySilverTM Product
Researching Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz shows that this public health advocate is well known internationally for his controversial works in cancer virology and vaccinology. Dr. Horowitz pioneered a number of natural consumer health products and brands based on advances in natural medicine, water science, and homeopathy. Dr. Horowitz has published more than three dozen peer reviewed science articles, many in these fields. His three national bestelling books, and award-winning films, are mentioned at the end of this article in his brief biography.
These include the award-winning text Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident or Intentional? that Wikipedia credits as being the “Top seller in the field of AIDS and second in the fields of infectious disease and communicable disease.”
As made known to attorney Gross during our conversation with him, investigative journalist Sherri Kane is Dr. Horowitz’s partner, and was on the telephone call.
Ms. Kane was likewise concerned about Fakespot’s “F” rating as not only an officer in CureShoppe.com that was financially damaged by the contrived “F” rating, but also as a consumer protector and well-known activist opposing, like Dr. Horowitz, vaccination and antibiotic risks that may be avoided by the use of reliable silver hydrosols, including OxySilverTM.
To fairly assess the “suspiciously positive” OxySilver reviews, one must consider who Dr. Horowitz is and what he has done–something Fakespot’s AI did not do, nor can do.
“Fakespot’s scheme only benefits FakeSpot’s investors or commercial allies in the company’s unfair and deceptive trade. The scam appears to benefit only those with the intent to fraudulently influence the entire world’s online shopping experience.”
After receiving Dr. Horowitz’s doctorate in medical dentistry from Tufts University in 1977, the doctor’s training included several post-doctoral degree programs. One in public health from Harvard University.
Four decades ago Horowitz was granted the opportunity to work with, and learn from, several of the world’s leading experts in the fields of public health, behavioral science, self-care education, and natural medicine. He also studied with experts in water science, silver hydrosol technologies, biophysics, electro-genetics, immunology, cancer virology, and frequency therapeutics.
Dr. Horowitz subsequently debated leading public health officials on the question of vaccination risks for children. He pioneered a number of unprecedented products to help reduce diseases and deaths caused by dangerous drugs and vaccinations. OxySilver is among them.

OxySilver’s origin began with NASA science. Government researchers advanced the original concept of bonding silver to oxygen in water to gain powerful, safe, and reliable, antimicrobial benefits. Dr. Horowitz was solicited by the product’s licensees to bring this original technology to market. He then pioneered changes in the manufacturing process using the extraordinarily beneficial 528nm/Hz frequency of light and sound. This innovation best explains the “suspiciously positive” reviews OxySilver receives.
528 frequency therapeutics also enables claims of OxySilver’s superiority over other effective silver hydrosols that provide alternatives to risky vaccinations and deadly antibiotics. Many people cannot tolerate vaccines and antibiotics for a number of reasons (e.g., medical and religious preclusions). 528 frequency claims are backed by published peer reviewed science.
Accordingly, we insist that the “15 Total Reviews” that Fakespot.com’s AI smeared as “suspiciously positive” are, in fact, totally valid. If anything, they understate the value of OxySilverTM resonating at 528 as a viable alternative to risky vaccinations and deadly antibiotics.
If fact, OxySilver does what no silver medicine manufacturer does. Health benefits are guaranteed, or dissatisfied users are given their money back.
You can view our video verifying this claim, and the reasons why we are able to promise people, used as directed you will “never get sick again [with the flu], or your money back.”
FakeSpot.com’s Unfair and Deceptive Trade
Attorney Gross mentioned during our conversation that he favored vaccines and applauds the work of Bill Gates in presumably combating infectious diseases through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Gates is the world’s leading vaccine distributor and propagandist. Gross was surprised to learn, he stated, that Gates’ MSN online news article promoted FakeSpot.com’s business. Gross stated that he was not aware that the MSNews article of July 12, 2019 advertised the Fakespot ‘service’ with a link to FakeSpot.com.
That MSN advertisement stated in pertinent part:
“According to data from Fakespot, a website that uses artificial intelligence to help consumers determine the reliability of online reviews, fraudulent reviews on Amazon have climbed from 16.34% last June to more than 34% this June in all product categories. . . . .”
We presume, therefore, that OxySilver’s “15 Total Reviews” on Amazon generating the “F” rating were included in the aforementioned MSNews published data.
However, OxySilver’s reviews alone, discredited by Fakespot, taints the integrity of Fakespot’s published AI data-mining.
Add to this erroneous data base the massive numbers of similarly-situated victims of Fakespot’s dysfunctional “AI algorithm.”
Thus, Fakespot.com is a major public deception in unfair trade administering consumer fraud and risking the public’s health and safety.
Fakespot.com’s false advertising of false percentages of “fraudulent reviews” on Amazon, among other vendors, has been used to justify Fakespot’s value. Yet health product consumers are not benefited, simply manipulated. Overall public health and fair trade in medicine and self-care is harmed.
Fakespot’s scheme only benefits FakeSpot’s investors or commercial allies in the company’s unfair and deceptive trade. The scam appears to benefit only those with the intent to fraudulently influence the entire world’s online shopping experience.
Fakespot’s main function appears to be to muddle, not verify, consumer reviews in favor of inside traders and multinational corporations. This reasonable conclusion is further evidenced below.
FakeSpot.com disparages many more products and companies than OxySilver and CureShoppe.com. Other reputable products and companies offering alternatives to corporate-controlled medicines are cited below.
FakeSpot.com’s Online Critics
Consumer reports critical of FakeSpot.com have been mounting. These are well represented by online witnesses. Among them is Thomas Konig’s published assessment:
“Fakespot has something seriously wrong with their algorithm for determining what is and is not a fake review. It’s ironic that a service that is supposed to detect ‘BS’ is also full of it.
There are tons of examples in the reviews here and I agree.” Konig concluded. “Fakespot is a waste of time and a pain for honest sellers to have to explain to their customers why their Fakespot rating is poor.”
Consequently, Fakespot.com’s false advertising, unfair and deceptive trade, and sweeping mission, threatens e-commerce globally.
Simply consider FakeSpot’s global mission. The company’s officials are active “changing the way people shop online,” worldwide, on behalf of Facespot’s little known investors.
Accordingly, the aforementioned facts would lead any reasonable person to report Fakespot.com to the FTC for unfair and deceptive trade practices as we have done.
Fakespot.com is violating U.S. Code § 45.
FakeSpot.com ‘Baits and Switches’ Users to Inferior Products and Commits Fraud Damaging and Confusing Consumers in Favor of Big Pharma’s Profits
“Shoppers in need of a second opinion use Fakespot when considering their next online purchase,” Fakespot advertises. “Our proprietary algorithms look for patterns to filter out fake reviews we think are unreliable. But don’t take our word for it – you be the judge.”
Indeed we did. We tested Fakespot’s “proprietary algorithms” to gather additional evidence to determine if there is a pattern of fraud; and a practice of falsely disparaging natural care products.
The results were shocking. Fakespot.com’s dysfunction and reliance on its unreliable “proprietary” AI, in legal terms, ‘shocks the conscience.’
We prompted Fakespot.com’s AI to analyze three natural care products sold by Amazon. Two were widely known. The three included: (1) another ABL competitor, the nation’s best-selling silver hydrosol, Sovereign Silver. This product was selected since it is OxySilver’s presumed ‘closest competitor’;[1] (2) the therapeutic essential oils set branded “Labeatie”; and (3) Dr. Bronner’s famous peppermint soap.
The screenshots below evidence that Fakespot.com returned a “D” rating for Sovereign Silver, and two “F” ratings for Labeatie and Dr. Bronner’s soap.
Fakespot’s explanations and justifications for publishing these most arbitrary and capricious results are absurd. You can read them below.
In fact, Fakespot.com could not do a better job confusing customers regarding these Amazon products if the ‘service’ had been designed to do so by malicious hackers.
We were left wondering how many other natural health products were similarly victimized by Fakespot.com?
We report below on this pilot investigation of Fakespot, analyzing the reviews given to these three natural health products.
Fakespot.com’s AI Analysis of Sovereign Silver’s Reviews
Fakespot.com justified its “D” rating of Sovereign Silver by stating its AI “engine has analyzed and discovered that 32.6% [of 1484 reviews] are reliable,” or alternatively 67.4%, that is 1,000 reviews, were allegedly “fake.”
There is no valid basis in fact upon which this determination was made using allegedly a “proprietary” AI algorithm.
Fakespot.com further accused Amazon of foul play. Fakespot.com published “Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 2015.”
The construction of that defamatory allegation of Amazon’s supposed illegal practice of altering or removing reviews is clearly confusing to consumers. It is left up to readers’ imaginations as to whether there were 2015 altered reviews, or the alterations occurred before 2015. And neither of those options are reasonable indictments against Amazon.
Because Amazon is petitioned all the time by merchants whose products are maliciously smeared or falsely reviewed by either jealous competitors or loony customers.
These Fakespot findings demonstrated malice against Amazon and reckless discriminatory animus against the silver hydrosol manufacturer.
Fakespot.com further published, “Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is high deception involved.”
Fakespot.com, however, did not include its own AI as the source of this “deception.” Instead, Fakespot.com defamed both Amazon and Sovereign SilverTM.
Compounding this arbitrary, capricious and nonsensical analysis, Fakespot.com claimed their results showed the “Least positive review” read, “Not able to give a thorough review.”
And the “Least authentic review” simply stated, “It works.”
Fakespot.com’s AI Analysis of Labeatie’s Reviews
Fakespot.com smeared worse Labeatie Essential Oils set, among the highest rated positively reviewed natural therapies on Amazon. Labeatie received a five-star rating on Amazon from 38 customer reviews. Labeatie officials answered 50 questions in good faith posed by the consumers and reviewers. Rather than give Labeatie an “A” rating it clearly deserved, Fakespot.com published an “F” rating for this product.
Fakespot.com justified Labeatie’s “F” rating by claiming, “Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is high deception involved.” [Emphasis not added.]
This unconscionable libel was compounded by additional false statements: (1) The “F” “Review Grade” means “insufficient reliable reviews;” (2) “Our engine detects that in general the reviewers have a suspiciously positive sentiment.”
This was much like the excuses Fakespot.com used to smear OxySilver with the same “F” rating;
and (3) “Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 13.9% of the reviews are reliable,” alternatively implying that 86.1% of the reviews were fake.
Fakespot.com’s AI Analysis of Dr. Bronner’s Peppermint Soap Reviews
Fakespot.com similarly smeared Dr. Bronner’s Peppermint Soap by its reviews. This brand is among the highest rated most popular positively reviewed natural soaps in America. Dr. Bronner’s Pure-Castile Liquid Soaps (2 pack) received a four-and-a-half star rating on Amazon from 3,719 customer reviewers. The company answered 228 questions in good faith.
Fakespot.com gave Dr. Bronner’s an “F” review grade, baffling consumers. The AI service smeared the product and Amazon by stating there were “insufficient reliable reviews.” Furthermore, Fakespot’s search engine allegedly “detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews . . . up to 870” times.
Confusing its own nonsensical AI search result with a customer review, the Fakespot.com fake analysis stated the “Least positive review” was “Not enough review data to provide meaningful insight.” That statement neglected the thousands of ‘reliable’ reviews.
Can you actually imagine a peppermint soap buyer writing to complain, “There was ‘not enough review data to provide meaningful insight'”?
This sham Fakespot.com review analysis further stated that the “Least authentic review” that Dr. Bronner’s peppermint soap received was, “We love Dr. Bronner’s liquid castle soap. We use it for everything, general cleaning, handwashing, showers, shampoo. . . . .”
These stated benefits are widely enjoyed by huge numbers of satisfied Dr. Bronner’s customers. Therefore, Fakespot’s “least authentic” statement is obviously ridiculous.
Fakespot.com’s Fraud Confuses Consumers in Favor of Escalating Healthcare Costs and ‘Big Pharma’s’ Profits
Attorney Gross stated during our conversation that the Bill Gates-MSNews’ support for Fakespot.com was not known to him. Nor was Gross aware, he claimed, of any conflicting financial interests held by Fakespot investors that would in any way evidence consumer fraud or an anti-trust violation.
Frankly, attorney Gross, as the “Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer and the Treasurer” of FakeSpot.com (according to your SEC filing), denied what is unreasonable. It must be presumed that Gross was aware of the July 12, 2019 endorsement by Gates’ MSNews.
His knowledge of this would be presumed for two good reasons: (1) Fakespot.com enjoys substantial publicity from PRNewswire service that has often cited Fakespot.com as reliable and beneficial to consumers; and (2) Fakespot.com’s “Press” page evidences Gross’ disbursements as Treasurer of Fakespot of such a “media mention” service.
Given the financing and advertising Fakespot is evidenced having and doing, it is unreasonable that the company’s news tracking service, AI, or other media mention agency, would not have informed Gross and other investors about the publicity Fakespot.com received from Bill Gates’s organization.
Accordingly, it is unreasonable, or a sign of substantial negligence, for attorney Robert E. Gross, as a COO, CFO, Treasurer and main partner in the company (with exclusive co-executive officer, Saoud Khalifah), to state that he had no knowledge of Microsoft’s advertising and direct link to Fakespot.com from MSNews (over the coarse of three months).
Alternatively, omitting this important endorsement from Fakespot’s press page raises additional suspicions of purposeful concealment.
These facts are material to the “conspiracy theory” that Gross verbally dismissed during our conversation.
Gross’ advertising makes clear that Fakespot.com is “committed to changing the way people shop online.” Clearly, the “F” ratings were published to change the way people view these natural health products.
These facts raise the reasonable question of mens rea (or willful intention to commit fraud for profit).
It is unreasonable to presume that Fakespot Inc. operates for no profit. Attorney Gross personally registered the company as a for profit.
It is also unreasonable, therefore, to presume Fakespot held no conflicting interests with ABL. It is unreasonable to presume its AI simply chose to advertise ABL’s products out of the goodness of the computer’s heart.
Nor is it reasonable to presume that ABL products are any better than other silver hydrosols on the market, such as Sovereign Silver given the “D” rating compared with ABL’s “A” products’ ratings.
Further, there is no indication as to how Fakespot’s lofty mission provides a ‘return on investment’ for its investors.
All the above facts raise many reasonable questions, including, “How are Fakespot Inc. investors actually compensated for their investment?”
These facts and answers raise probable cause to consider the larger function of Fakespot.com. The company appears to be commissioned to disparage products and service firms outside of Fakespot’s circle of interested parties. In this way, outsiders’ products and services are smeared because they are not controlled by, or profiting, the monopolistic ‘drug cartel’ (i.e., enterprise).
This reasonable concern, that COO Gross verbally dismissed as a “conspiracy theory,” has substantial basis in fact.
It is public knowledge that Big Pharma has created massive damage from addictive opiates. It is also widely known that the wealthiest companies in the computer sciences industry advancing AI technologies have come under fire from the Justice Department. Law enforcers are presumably scrutinizing Fakespot’s industry’s monopolistic companies. Microsoft especially has as history of monopolistic illegalities.
Given the aforementioned facts, Fakespot’s disservice to public confidence in alternative medicines gives an ‘appearance of impropriety.’
Such conflicting interests best explain Fakespot’s “F” rating given OxySilver, a viable alternative to vaccinations and antibiotics.
More Evidence of Fakespot.com’s Conflicting Interests in Escalating Healthcare Costs, Drug Industry Profits and Organized Crime
There is much more incriminating evidence against Fakespot.com, beyond its conflicting interests in escalating healthcare costs and Big Pharma’s profits.
Fakespot’s principle investors are tied to a sex and drug crimes enterprise central to a scandal unfolding in India and Chicago. The crimes include drugging and addicting school children to hallucinogens, methamphetamine, and more.
Fakespot.com’s advertisements evidence two minority investors that attorney Gross told us he was not able to disclose. He stated that was “proprietary” knowledge.
The main reason for compromised candor appears to be that Gross’s partners in Fakespoke.com are up to their eyeballs in ties to these scandals and alleged crimes.
Our online investigation provided the following connections to complicit Fakespot financiers representing Big Pharma:
First there is SRI Capital. This entity fund’s “LetsMD”. That is “a fintech startup catering to the healthcare sector.” SRI Capital also finances Meddo Clinics.
Faith Capital is also connected to this group of Fakespot’s primary co-investors.
Abdulaziz Bassem Essa Al Loughani, is co-founder & Managing Partner at Faith Capital, a venture capital practice financing Fakespot. Abdulaziz is also the Director of Planet Pharmacies L.L.C a Joint Venture between Global Investment House (where Abdulaziz was the former director) and Julphar Pharmaceuticals.
“Julphar is recognized as a leading pharmaceutical manufacturer of generics in the Middle East. Global Investment House is a financial institution based in Kuwait. Together these renowned companies have formed a strong partnership for the future success and growth of Planet Pharmacies….”
Continuing their advertising quote evidencing Fakespot’s global Big Pharma mission. . . .
“… Planet Pharmacies is rapidly gaining traction with coverage across multiple countries in the GCC. Our operational efficiencies span markets like KSA, UAE, Oman and Kuwait. Our aim is to successfully operate more than 200 pharmacies in UAE, KSA and Oman by end of 2016. We will continue growing with the same velocity as we have done in the recent past, based on growing positive stakeholder sentiments, as well the immense trust placed by our esteemed customers. We have gained good exposure in the 3 main markets –UAE, KSA and Oman. This has allowed Planet Pharmacies to build successful operations in both the retail division as well as the strategic distribution division. For those who want to showcase their international brands at our pharmacies, our mutual venture can prove to be a win-win situation and allow both to grow in our respective businesses. We currently have 180+ retail pharmacies.”
OxySilver directly competes with Planet Pharmacies business model and products. The degree to which Planet Pharmacies and similar companies can prevent or retard the distribution of OxySilver to consumers, is the degree to which Big Pharma can continue to pawn off their destructive poisons to an unsuspecting public.
Given Fakespot.com’s intent to become the preeminent arbiter of online review credibility, Fakespot is mandated to disclose existing conflicts prior to attacking a competing product under the ruse of objectivity. Based on Fakespot’s deceptive and anti-competitive practices to date, we award Fakespot a well deserved “F-“.
SRI’s links to Goldman Sachs and Orgnized Crime
Fakespot.com’s “Operating Partner,” Doc Parghi, is closely tied to SRI Capital, as evidenced by his e-mail address: Doc@sricapital.com. SRI shares common clients and investments with Goldman Sachs.
Parghi’s “partner” at SRI Capital is Sashi Reddi, Ph.D.–the ‘money man’–Founder and Managing Partner at SRI Capital. SRI Capital is supposedly his “own investment arm.” But Reddi appears to be financed by the infamous Indian film producer, Daggubati Suresh Babu.
Reddi also controls what is called the “Hyderabad Angels” an Indian financing firm modeled after Silicon Valley investment firms established to fund start-ups. Reddi mentioned in one interview that he honors the “Indian Angels Network and Mumbai Angels . . . very mature funds.” Those funds are rumored to be money laundering networks for the Mumbai mob that traffics opium from Afghanistan–the heart of the global opium trade.
In 2008 it was reported that Sashi Reddi, also the founder and chairman of FXLabs, joined Suresh Babu, the CEO of Suresh Productions, to lead, manage, and promote the Indian counterpart to America’s Hollywood. This group has been plagued by scandalous involvements in sex crimes, drug trafficking, and social engineering (MKULTRA-like) mind control projects. The industry leverages the media using behavioral science to condition viewers’ behavior and encourages youth violence and mental retardation using violent video games.
Several actresses in the Telugu film industry leveled charges against top Tollywood officials after they were abused as sex slaves in a commercial prostitution ring. One couple was arrested in Chicago in 2017.
Suresh Babu’s son, Rana Daggubati’, defended, “If a filmmaker or an actor takes drugs, it really doesn’t bother me. They are adults and it’s their lives and they can do whatever they want. I don’t give a damn if you take drugs.”
Seven drug peddlers in the twin city of Hyderabad and Secunderabad were arrested in an “organized racket which was supplying drugs to minors. . . . The Gang was importing drugs from Chicago, USA and selling it ” in India linking the Tollywood scene to the Chicago mob that includes the Hearst Group.
India Today reported the “gang was mainly supplying drugs to the students of several high profile corporate and international schools in the twin cities where the children of celebrities, politicians and police officers study.”
Investigators found kids as young as 13 frequently purchasing [crystal meth] MDMC or LSD.
Appearing to legitimize their drug industry investments, in 2018, the Babu-Reddi enterprise financed “LetsMD”, an Indian company that “allows users to discover and compare the costs and offerings of various medical procedures offered by healthcare networks and hospitals.”
If Fakespot’s data-mining manipulations are any indication, prejudicial analysis will direct LetsMD users to, again, inside traders helping to finance illegal drug schemes and more sex crimes.
Furthermore, the function of the LetsMD “allows users to convert their surgery bills into Equated Monthly Installments (EMIs).”
As mentioned, this SRI-Fakespot racket profits especially from people getting sick and dying. Here is proof that the enterprise exploits surgery bills by usury.
Another SRI exploitation of the needy and ailing is the Meddo Clinics–a company that offers and/or administers digitized health records for “doctors specializing in specific treatments, in-clinic diagnostics, in-clinic dispensing of medicines as well as door delivery of drugs, enabling patients to receive treatment with access to professional healthcare services with an emphasis on convenience and minimal stress.”
Fakespot.com, therefore, financed by Meddo’s financier, SRI Capital, Faith Capital, and the Babu enterprise, has economic interests opposed to low cost self-help natural medicines and healthcare products and services that compete against Big Pharma.
Consequently, the SRI-Fakespot-Tollywood mob, is much like Goldman Sachs, NBCUniversal, Bill Gates‘ and Barry Diller’s enterprise. They are all heavily invested in “disease care.” So favorable reviews about low-cost highly-effective natural cures for diseases would undermine Fakespot.com investors, their profits, and the company’s mission.
More Links to Devil-doing: Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC), NASA, CIA, Homeland Security, Goldman Sachs and the ‘Deep State’
Fakespot.com’s partner, Doc Parghi, and co-founder Saoud Khalifah who worked as a software engineer on Goldman Sach’s equities trading platform. is advertised as a “sales focused technology executive and venture capitalist with experience running and scaling businesses globally. . . . Previously, Doc was the Global GM of the Mobility and Social business unit at CSC [Computer Sciences Corporation]. . . CSC (NYSE: CSC) is a $15 Billion IT services and consulting company. . .” advised by Goldman Sachs in its mega-mergers and acquisitions.
According to Wikipedia, “In the 1960s, CSC provided software programming services to major computer manufacturers like IBM and Honeywell and secured their first contracts for the U.S. public sector with NASA (among others). . . . . [CSC’s] North American Public Sector (NPS)” since 1961, has “been one of the major IT service providers for the U.S. federal government. CSC provided services to the United States Department of Defense, law enforcement and intelligence agencies (FBI, CIA, Homeland Security), aeronautics and aerospace agencies (NASA). In 2012, U.S. federal contracts accounted for 36% of CSC total revenue.
Consequently, these additional links to NASA, American intelligence, and Homeland Security raise more red flags.
As mentioned, NASA sourced OxySilver’s initial technology that holds the capability to reduce dramatically the world’s reliance on deadly antibiotics and risky vaccinations.
Further, OxySilver opponents reported Dr. Horowitz to NASA in 2010 for falsely alleged unlawful inclusion of NASA’s logo in advertising. Officials allegedly investigated and found nothing in violation of the truth–that NASA science originally invented the base chemistry.
This intelligence would be of high importance to the Central Intelligence Agency given the CIA’s verified history of involvements in backing the ‘Deep State’ and its illegal drug trades (including cocaine and LSD) and social engineering through media manipulations.
Homeland Security’s mention as a CSC client is also noteworthy given Fakespot’s and Homeland Security’s history of support for ABL’s products. As previously reported, ABL is partnered with the Clifton Mining company under the direction of Dr. Gordon Pedersen, Ph.D. Major shareholders in ABL include CSC’s clients in the US military, and Homeland Security insiders.
ABL’s partner, Clifton Mining, engaged two “Key Employees and Consultants” as special members of its Board. These included Col. Robert Saum and Col. Allen Moloff who, in 2007 presided over SOMA–the Special Operations Medical Association directed by officials in the United States military’s Special Forces Operations Medical Command. Col. (Bob) Saum also served as the interagency coordinator for Homeland Security.
Col. Saum apparently used his connections in Homeland Security, on behalf of his holdings and investors in ABL/Clifton Mining Co., to gain the U.S. Surgeon General PK Carlton’s endorsement of ABL products, including OxySilver’s competitor, Silver Sol.
Dr. Carlton also served as the Director of the Integrative Center for Homeland Security.
In addition, prior to teaming up with Doc Parghi of SRI Capital and the CSC-Goldman Sachs group backing Fakespot.com, Saoud Khalifah worked as a software engineer on Goldman Sach’s equities trading platform.
The above connections are obviously substantive in the ‘discriminatory animus’ against natural healthcare products, especially OxySilverTM, sold through Amazon and other global vendors.
Global Implications of Fakespot Fraud
The danger and damage from Fakespot.com’s unfair and deceptive trade is huge.
Australian activist and author, John Richardson, wrote a detailed expose on Fakespot.com’s ally, Goldman Sachs (GS). Nicknamed “the Vampire Squid” for its control over the “eurozone,” western governments, the European Central Bank, the U.S. Treasury, and thousands of subservient companies. Fakespot.com appears to be one such company administered under Khalifah’s, Parghi’s, Sashi Reddi’s, and Suresh Babu‘s influence. GS’s and Bill Gates’s interests in controlling commerce in favor of the most profitable disease-industrialists is certain, unethical, and illegal.
“What you have in Europe [and the U.S. as well] is a shared world-view among the policy elite and the bankers, a shared set of goals and mutual reinforcement of illusions,” said Simon Johnson, former International Monetary Fund economist, in his book 13 Bankers. “The Goldman Sachs Project” administers this “elite control and public illusion.”
“Goldman is there to provide advice and financing for governments, to send its people into public service and to dangle lucrative jobs in front of people . . . to create such a deep exchange of people and ideas and money that it is impossible to tell the difference between the public interest and the Goldman Sachs’ interest.”
Ironically, while operating in favor of SRI Capital, Faith Capital, the Tollywood gang, and GS’s ‘Vampire Squid,’ software developer Saoud Khalifah identified the problem his brainchild Fakespot.com creates. “Fake reviews and counterfeiters have eroded consumers’ trust in the ability to make safe and rational decisions while shopping online.”
Accordingly, they created the worldwide problem challenging consumer confidence, and created the manipulative solution in Fakespot.
Rather than combating fake reviews and counterfeit products, Fakespot.com actually creates and promotes them.
In conclusion, contrary to Fakespot.com’s COO attorney Gross, it is no “conspiracy theory” that Fakespot.com operates deceptively to defraud online shoppers in favor of several of the world’s most corrupt financiers.
Fakespot’s deplorable and damaging smearing of naturally therapeutic products and services undermines public health and cost-controls in medicine—a dysfunction that Saoud Khalifah, Doc Parghi and Sashi Reddi have designed into the Fakespot.com system.
Their AI administration generates the precise consumer confusions and illusions that globalists cherish to advance unethical and lethal controls over populations and their online shopping habits.
The aforementioned facts and conflicting interests, including those of Doc Parghi and the ‘Vampire Squid,’ best explains Fakespot.com dysfunction in e-commerce, and the aforementioned examples of consumer fraud.
This unfair and deceptive trade is well documented by Fakespot’s endorsement of ABL’s Silver Sol; receiving an “A,” versus OxySilver receiving an “F” according to the company’s “AI analysis” of manipulated reviews.
These facts provide a classic example of the abuse of AI in unfair and deceptive trade.
This public notice and public service fulfills the authors’ public duty to prevent people from being damaged, defrauded, made ill, or dying from Fakespot.com’s website.
FakeSpot.com’s Service to Big Pharma Should Be Investigated by Law Enforcers in Every Nation
It is public knowledge that Big Pharma holds grave concerns about e-commerce and the social media. Major PhRMA investors on Wall Street would certainly celebrate Fakespot’s muddling of consumer reviews in a scheme to ‘neutralize’ Big Pharma’s competition in medicine. This is especially important at this time when nations are battling to reduce healthcare costs while improving beneficial services. The facts reported here evidence a conspiracy undermining these objectives.
By disparaging natural medicines, Fakespot encourages the use and abuse of pharmaceuticals and vaccines over safe and effective alternatives. The effects of drug addictions on crime rates, as well as the generally overlooked or dismissed risks from vaccination containing GMOs linked to cancers and auto-immune diseases, are widely known. Natural alternatives that help reduce and prevent such damage appear to be prejudicially disparaged by Fakespot.com as the facts reveal.
“Fakespot.com aids-and-abets Big Pharma by seriously damaging consumer confidence in natural alternatives to drugs and vaccines.”
Fakespot’s ties to major institutional investors in Big Pharma prove this industry is not ethically motivated and damages civilization. Big Pharma and Big Biotech created massive damage from addictive opiates and now promote dangerous vaccinations tied to cancers and more.
It is also widely known that the wealthiest companies in ‘Silicon Valley’ and the data-mining industry advancing AI have come under U.S. Justice Department scrutiny recently for monopolistic practices.
For these reasons, it is unreasonable to dismiss this study and its findings.
Products that compete against allopathic medicines, and accent prevention instead, appear to be most heavily smeared by Fakespot.com.
In legal terms, this gives the appearance of unfair and deceptive trade committed with ‘discriminatory animus.’ Smearing and concealing good reviews earned by natural medicines indicts Fakespot.com as a public health menace. The “service” should be shut down, and its officials indicted for fraud.
Fakespot.com advertises, “We believe in the importance of user reviews. With so many online shopping options, a strong or weak product review can have a huge impact on whether or not a purchase is made.”
Therefore, Fakespot.com officials and investors are very aware of the damaging impact Fakespot’s AI has on e-commerce in favor of Big Pharma. This fraudulent influence, more than anything else, appears, to be Fakespot’s main objective.
Open Demand for Remedies
This published study and Notice is served upon Fakespot’s legal agent and COO, Attorney Robert E. Gross. A link to this article has been e-mailed to Mr. Gross, including the following demands for remedies that we openly make as consumer protectors, damaged parties, and whistleblowers.
(1) Fakespot.com shall immediately remove the false and misleading “F” rating disparaging the Amazon-listed product, OxySilverTM; and replace that fraudulent grade with a well-deserved “A” rating according to the 15 customers’ honest reviews that were misrepresented by Fakespot;
(2) Fakespot.com will furnish the following discovery for consumer awareness and fair trade: (a) Fakespot.com shall provide the date(s) of its AI data analysis and data processing that resulted in OxySilver’s “F” rating, and similar ratings for the aforementioned disparaged products, including the date(s) that these false ratings were initially published online;
(3) Fakespot.com will publish, in favor of candor and fair trade, a public apology to damaged parties, explaining how or why the company’s computer dysfunction occurred, with remedies proposed for extinguishing false advertising on its website;
(4) Fakespot.com will publish the express details of the algorithm by which good reviews and helpful products are smeared. For example, OxySilver’s Amazon reviews were designated “suspiciously positive” and assigned an “F” rating. Officials should explain how 15 positive reviews established a pattern that justified the smear and “F”; and finally,
(5) Fakespot.com officials will publish verification that the company’s investors, including those with financial ties or business affiliations with Goldman Sachs, Bill Gates, MSN, Sasha Reddi, SRI, Suresh Babu, Faith Capital, and/or officials in ABL and/or U.S. Government agencies, have not entered into unfair and/or deceptive trade agreements with Fakespot.com that encourage discriminatory analyses of natural healthcare products’ reviews by consumers.
We look forward to hearing from Fakespot.com officials most timely and in good faith, including express replies to the aforementioned demands for remedies. We will keep our subscribers and others interested updated.
[1] Comparing Sovereign SilverTM to OxysilverTM is like comparing apples to oranges. Sovereign Silver boasts having higher concentrations of consistently smaller nano-size silver particles. Oxysilver claims its superiority based on structured water technology and the 528 frequency of sound and light. This “good vibration” matches the resonance energy of chlorophyll and its color. Human hearts (and the greenish yellow ‘heart chakra’ energy vortex) are tuned to the resonance energy demonstrated by faithful loving prayer. This heart-felt intention to heal and prevent illnesses is explained by solid science that has determined the 9D matrix math involving consciousness and intelligent design. This is consistent with the principles of electro-genetics and water science best explaining the benefits that OxySilver-reviewers reported; and the oxy-silver molecule’s capacity to act as a “double superconductor” of 528Hz sound and 528nm of light providing therapeutic value.
Dr. Leonard Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H., D.N.M. (hon.), D.M.M. (hon.), is the author of twenty-two books, including the prophetically titled Death In The Air: Globalism,Terrorism and Toxic Warfare that came out three months before 9-11-01. That book deals with biological and energy weapons being used for population control. His three American best-sellers include: Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident or Intentional? that was largely responsible for prompting explosive interest in vaccination risks and biological warfare; Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, that revealed the ancient Solfeggio musical scale secreted for millennia; and Healing Celebrations: Miraculous Recoveries Through Ancient Scripture, Natural Medicine and Modern Science in which Dr. Horowitz presents his protocol for administering prevention and speedy recoveries. His most recent text, The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of LOVE, has prompted a revolution in the music industry improving recording artistry and music therapy with the use of C=528Hz(A=444Hz) tuning that produces “medicinal music.” Dr. Horowitz also works to advance Healthy World Organization (HWO) as an alternative to the duplicitous World Health Organization (WHO).
Sherri Kane is an investigative journalist who defected from FOX News, Los Angeles, for ethical reasons. She has written extensively on Barack Obama’s history, counter-intelligence methods used by Internet “gang stalkers,” and the “PharmaMedia.” Her works detail links between the wealthiest Wall Street investors in mass media and the pharmaceutical industry. Sherri also specializes in women’s and children’s health issues and child sex trafficking whistleblowing. She also advocates for animal rights. Ms. Kane is the Vice President of Medical Veritas International, Inc., that launched with Dr. Horowitz the LOVE/528 Revolution, 528Records.com, and the 528Radio Network impacting recording artistry and natural healing internationally. Online DVDs featuring Dr. Horowitz and Ms. Kane include: NSA/CIA Trolls Destroy Heroes to Profit Villains: Snowden/Wikileaks Evidence Protection Racket for the Death Industry, and . . .
Dr. Horowitz’s and Sherri Kane’s latest documentary banner above shows UN-VAXXED: A Docu-commentary for Robert De Niro won “Best Film – 2016” in London and Geneva competitions and several other international awards.
To contact Sherri Kane, or Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, please e-mail: editor@medicalveritas.org with your special requests.