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Release: No. 1-Bill’s Bug Bite Block
Date Mailed: August 4, 2020
For Immediate Release
Contact: Editor—310-877-3002; Info@HealthyWorldStore.com
Celebrity Doctor Mocks Bill Gates’s Mosquito Release Infamy by Developing “Bill’s Bug Bite Block & Hand Sanitizer”
Las Vegas, NV (8-1-20)—Bill Gates’s and Anthony Fauci’s increasing COVID-19 infamy for pushing damaging, distressing, dis-easing, civilization-destroying ‘lock-downs’ in favor of their concealed conflicting interests in the Moderna company’s ‘fast tracked’ mRNA vaccine, prompted celebrity Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz to protest through the development of a practical product called “Bill’s Bug Bite Block & Hand Sanitizer.”
Dr. Horowitz, a leading anti-vaccinationist, natural medicine advocate, and emerging diseases expert, developed “Bill’s Bug Bite Block & Hand Sanitizer” to not only stop annoying insect bites and diseases transmitted by bacteria and viruses. He also set out to help allay widespread fears in the wake of Gates’s powerful influence over the COVID-19 Task Force as Dr. Fauci’s partner in Moderna.
All of this follows Gates’s and Fauci’s key activities frightening people internationally to “get vaccinated.” They generated substantial media fear for ‘social conditioning’ and ‘predictive programming’ beginning in 2017. They did this so that the world would not be surprised when the “perfect storm” of COVID-19 struck.
The world’s most frightening flu broke out years after Gates began financing companies that would profit from it, around the same time he released live mosquitoes in a malaria vaccine sales stunt that shocked his TED conference audience.
Gates released his mosquitoes to push his investments in genetically-modified (GM) insects and vaccines. In this case the profitable biotechnology and depopulation opportunity was malaria. Gates lectured to replace hydroxyhloroquine (an anti-oxidant) with GM vaccines and manufactured mosquitoes made by his allies in the Oxitech enterprise.
The Oxford University spin-off company, Oxitech, released their lab-engineered insects to develop the market for a ‘novel’ solution to the stinging ‘beasts’ that spread malaria, Zika and dengue fever. More financing came from Gate’s allies at the Wellcome Trust.

Dr. Horowitz protested these risky releases that many know may go haywire–permanently altering not only mosquito populations through DNA mutations, but also the human race. Humans bitten by the surviving mosquitoes’ offspring of the Oxitech experiments risk all of civilization.
That’s why Dr. Horowitz formulated this great product as a reliable ‘bug bite block,’ effective hand-sanitizer and surface disinfectant.
This is one more great Horowitz contribution to stopping the ongoing lab-virus mutating madness.
What’s in “Bill’s Bug Bite Block & Hand Sanitizer”?
“Bill’s Bug Bite Block & Hand Sanitizer” is made from all natural essential oils in a ‘528 structured water’ solution called OxySilverTM.
Horowitz, with the help of his partner, Sherri Kane, formulated “Bill’s Bug Bite Block & Hand Sanitizer” to include time-tested insect repellents that include wonderfully aromatic lemongrass, citronella, eucalyptus, geranium, peppermint, and the Biblical disease-repellent, thieves.
The OxySilver Ingredient
OxySilverTM is a broad spectrum alternative to deadly antibiotics and risky vaccines. Dr. Horowitz branded it and contributed greatly to its development.
The base product was initially developed by NASA scientists to purify water and keep astronauts healthy in space.
In OxySilverTM and “Bill’s Bug Bite Block & Hand Sanitizer” Dr. Horowitz added the “528 frequency‘wave’” that has been scientifically proven to increase anti-oxidant levels by 100%.
Much like hydroxychloroquine, but without the risks, OxySilver boosts natural immunity against all infectious diseases including COVID-19.
The ‘Structured Water’ Ingredient
Dr. Horowitz, a world-leading expert and pioneer in ‘energy medicine,’ advanced several medical paradigm-shattering revelations about how DNA actually works. Genetic functions primarily involve ‘electro-genetics’ and biophysics based on musical-mathematics—the Creator’s language–Dr. Horowitz discovered, revealed, and explained in his landmark book: DNA–Pirates of the Sacred Spiral.
This doctor boldly claims the ‘528 sound’ that resonates at the heart of nature and DNA is replenished by specially-prepared ‘structured water.’ Structured (a.k.a., ‘clustered’) water holds more nutrients and gets into cells better.
Most importantly, structured water holds ‘energetic memory.’ Many scientists theorize that the 528 frequency of energy is crucial to repairing and activating DNA.
The 528 ‘Wave’ Ingredient
That ‘good 528 vibration’ also acts like a healing ‘wave’ that opens hearts, balances bio-energy fields, and awakens ‘consciousness.’
Following years of research, Dr. Horowitz also concluded that 528Hz is the miraculous “key of the House of David”. This ‘pure tone’ was predicted to be heralded in the “End Times,” according to Isaiah 22:22 and Rev. 3:6-8.
Dr. Horowitz explains that “528Hz is the musical equivalent to ‘pure tone LOVE’—LOVE being the ‘Universal Healer’.”
Dr. Horowitz’s uplifting messages are backed by solid (irrefutable) science and many of the world’s leading physicists and mathematicians.
This “key of the house of David”—528Hz frequency—is also tied to 528nm of therapeutic green light at the heart of sunshine and oxygen’s cleansing and purifying properties.
This truth about 528’s benefits has been heralded by Horowitz for the past 20-years in his popular books and films revolutionizing the music industry and evolving the natural healing arts and sciences.
The ‘528 Green Wave’ Ingredient
“Bill’s Bug Bite Block & Hand Sanitizer” is manufactured to vibrate in the 528nm wave length healing green light.
The outstanding aroma of these pure natural essential oils vibrates too, and complements the product’s extended use as a hand-sanitizer and surface disinfectant spray.
This healing and renewing energy is also incorporated into OxySilverTM, so the solution acts like a “double super-conductor” of that healing light and sound of LOVE energy.
Like “aroma therapy” this combination of ingredients delivers a delightful-smelling scientifically-affirmed safeguard against germs and ‘negative frequencies’ of energy impacting your body and ‘biofield.’
This is ‘Breakthrough Technology’
This is breakthrough technology in energy medicine that competes directly against the drug and vaccine ‘syndicate’ in which Gates and Fauci are heavily invested.
As mentioned, OxySilverTM makes all deadly antibiotics and risky vaccines obsolete. It is especially needed by people allergic to antibiotics or concerned about vaccination damage from genetic mutations and/or poisonous side effects.
OxySilver’s ‘structuring’ also increases the memory, absorption, and transmission of the essential oils’ ‘energetic signatures’. This delivers a more powerful ‘punch’ against germs, insects, and genetic damage.
So “Bill’s Bug Bite Block & Hand Sanitizer” is totally-unique and competes against damaging chemical sanitizers and disinfectants that are poisoning people and the environment.
This unique sanitizer and ‘bug bite block’ also prevents damage to expensive equipment from chlorine bleaches and other harsh chemicals commonly used in surface disinfectants.
Stop Annoying and Risky Insect Bites
Use “Bill’s Bug Bite Block & Hand Sanitizer” to stop annoying and risky insect bites.
Spray a light mist over your exposed areas, but be sure to avoid spraying your eyes. You won’t get bitten then by mosquitoes, no-seeums, horse flies, green heads, or other annoying insects that are natural or man-made. Gates’s ‘new mosquitoes’ are likely to have been genetically-engineered at Oxitech’s labs. Yet, they are said to be emerging from the ‘swamp.’ (How ironic and telling is that?)
“In this case, it is the ‘Deep State’ swamp that sources these beasts that Gates and Fauci both serve,” Horowitz chides.
Reasonable Cost and Availability
“Bill’s Bug Bite Block & Hand Sanitizer” comes in white 8-ounce bottles with a high quality sprayer attached. Bottles sell for only $39.95 with discounts available in package specials for wholesalers, sports and outdoors enthusiasts, schools, workplaces, community organizations, and religious groups.
Stop insect pests from biting you and your loved ones; and deliver an honest activist message of hope heralding better days to come.
Stop polluting the environment with Big Pharma’s harmful chemicals and heavy metal poisons.
Secure pure ground water in favor of the “Green Movement.”
Let’s all work together to recover a healthier, more natural, and sustainable environment!
This product, “Bill’s Bug Bite Block & Hand Sanitizer”, models this kind of smart thinking and acting.
Order this great product now through HealthyWorldStore.com.