AIDS Deniers Serve Big Pharma as “Protection Racketeers” Issuing Falsehoods to Divert Civilization From the Lab Virus Origin and Vaccine Transmission of HIV/AIDS
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz
“Magic and all that is ascribed to it is a deep presentiment of the powers of science.”
Counter-intelligence is like magic. It has you focus where the trick is not. In “science,” including behavioral science and social engineering, the magic is done by baiting the audience using lots of truth, to promote a lie. A great example of this magic is performed by the vaccine industry. Their truth is that viruses cause diseases, and their lie is three-fold: (1) the viruses claimed to cause the diseases naturally emerge from jungles, gay men, or black people, but never labs by mutations committed by scientists; (2) the viral vaccines prevent their diseases, but never cause or spread those diseases; and (3) “vaccines are safe and effective,” despite the absence any “risk/benefit” analysis ever done on any vaccine.
To claim that viruses don’t really exist, the magic disappearing their risk and presence, confuses society and diverts attention from the genocide actually occurring. This confusing and deadly action is as demonic and unrealistic as claiming that computer viruses don’t really exist, and that computers are never actually dying of viruses infecting harddrives deployed by criminal psychopaths for pleasure, or more likely industry hackers foisting security service upon the distressed and damaged public.
In November, 2018, 30-years after lay journalist Jon Rappaport advanced the “theory” that HIV/AIDS does not exist, and only drugs are killing people, as published is AIDS, Inc: The Scandal of the Century, he continues this embarrassing charade. In a leading Canadian online New Age anti-government journal, Rappaport published:
I saw people die of HIV.”
No. You saw people die. Doctors said they had HIV.
“I saw people die from Ebola.”
No you didn’t. You saw people die. You yourself have no idea what killed them. You can pretend you know, but you don’t.”
For three decades Rappaport’s deceptive and damaging propaganda has effectively confused the public and diverted scientific debate away from what is now grossly obvious and embarrassing:
“If ONLY DRUGS WERE KILLING PEOPLE, as AIDS Deniers have claimed since the beginning of this horrible pandemic, then we’d have 4 billion people dead instead of only 40 million people who died from the leukemia/lymphoma/sarcoma cancer complex called HIV/AIDS. People haven’t even considered this shocking truth.”
The purpose of AIDS Deniers was to divert from the dirty-work of Dr. Robert Gallo and Peter Duesberg’s team at the National Cancer Institute, Special Virus Cancer Program, during the late 1960s. These “reputable scientists,” adored by online “pharma-trolls” and vaccine-proponents, created those “special viruses” that brought AIDS and Ebola to the world. The function of Duesberg’s group of AIDS denialists, including Gary Null and Jon Rappaport, has been to confuse people worldwide by diverting from the lab virus creation and vaccine transmissions of these and many other cancers.
If you were Big Pharma, that’s precisely what you would do–spend millions of dollars hiring a team of propagandists to output diversionary counter-intelligence.”
that Rappaport’s ilk simply neglects, diverts from, and dismisses. This is like magic. Scientific evidence tampering, and genocide.”
Jon Rappaport’s article that is extremely deceptive and damaging. Rapparport was the first HIV/AIDS denialist working with Peter Duesberg to create the dissonance and division in the public’s mind about AIDS sourcing from a lab. The trick is called the Hegelian dialectic. According to Rappaport’s “controlled opposition” only drugs are killing people. There is no virus. Hogwash. If ONLY DRUGS were killing people, then we have 4 billion people dead from the leukemia/lymphoma/sarcoma express cancer complex developed by Gallo/Duesberg during the Special Virus Cancer Program that Rappaport’s ilk simply neglects, diverts from, and dismisses. This is like magic. Scientific evidence tampering, and genocide.
Counter-intelligence sustains vaccine genocide: Mass murderers confuse people to get away with their crimes.
“Until the end, Christine Maggiore remained defiant,” the Los Angeles Times reported on December 30, 2008.“On national television and in a blistering book, she denounced research showing that HIV causes AIDS. She refused to take medications to treat her own virus. She gave birth to two children and breast-fed them, denying any risk to their health. And when her 3-year-old child, Eliza Jane, died of what the coroner determined to be AIDS-related pneumonia, she protested the findings and sued the county.”
“Diagnosed with HIV in 1992, Maggiore plunged into AIDS volunteer work — “At the time,” Maggiore told The Times in 2005, “I felt like I was doing a good thing.”
“All that changed in 1994, she said, when she spoke to UC Berkeley biology professor Peter Duesberg,” the principle HIV/AIDS denialist who led a platoon of disciples including alternative media pundits Jon Rappoport and Gary Null.
AlDS Deniers: Either Agents or Stooges
In 1996, when word got out that Dr. Leonard Horowitz was about to publish Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident of Intentional? he received an urgent telephone call from “Dr. Gary Null” summoning Horowitz to a meeting in New York City. Null showed Horowitz around his million dollar penthouse suite, and offered his guest a cocktail made of natural nutrients. Null proudly proclaimed all the ingredients came from his multi-million dollar “supplement line.” The host then questioned Horowitz about his book, then quickly interrupted to issue a threat. “You know,” Null said, “you should not publish this. You’ll be killed. They kill people for less.”
Unmoved, Horowitz soon left. Months later the doctor learned that Null neglected to disclose he had produced an alternative AIDS manuscript.
But Null’s opposition to Horowitz’s publication was more than simply unfriendly competition. The AIDS establishment had trillions riding on public attitudes about HIV/AIDS, including controlling “alternative views.”
Controlled Opposition members infiltrate political activist groups as individual activists. Many more “activists” follow them as dupes. Hoodwinked people join their causes by the millions. All of this is skillfully administered by relatively few covert government and industry operatives. In this case, Christine Maggiore and her three-year-old girl were murdered by their own deceived free will, and Gary Null, Jon Rappoport were complicit.
Duped people are drawn into the web of deception by media pundits such as Null, Rappoport, and Alex Jones shown in the adjacent image quoting from the Protocols of the Elders of Sion. Each of these media pundits posed as patriots, organizers, or “leaders” in the “alternative” anti-government/anti-big pharma communities.

“The operatives often choose those who are ambitious amateurs,” explains Barbara Hartwell, a CIA psychological operations agent who resigned after discovering unconscionable corruption in “The Company.” Duped people, like Maggiore, are often “’wannabes’ (those with no training, expertise or background in intelligence work, law enforcement or other disciplines)” Hartwell wrote. Here, the “other discipline” is in AIDS and alternative medicine. The agents of deception appeal to their stooges’ egos, “to give them a false sense of ‘importance’ –when in reality they are merely stooges being used for special-interest-sponsored agendas.”
In the video embedded below, Gary Null interviews Jon Rappoport regarding the “king pin” of deception in the AIDS denier community–Dr. Peter Duesberg.
Dr. Peter Duesberg INDICTED in AIDS Genocide Plot, Cover-Up
Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H., D.N.M., D.M.M.
<Listen to Radio Broadcast w. Commentary by Dr. Graves>
I, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, respecting and representing thousands of scientists and physicians worldwide whose voices have been neglected and silenced; as a Diplomat for the World Organization for Natural Medicine; as a representative of God, Knighted emissary for the Sovereign Orthodox Order of Knights Hospitaller of St. John of Jerusalem, and as a Levitical priest in the bloodlines of Moses and YaHShuaH, the Messiah, I hereby INDICT YOU, Dr. Peter Duesberg, FOR THE DEATHS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WORLDWIDE, THROUGH YOUR ROLES IN THE CREATION OF AIDS AS WELL AS THE DISINFORMATION THAT SUSTAINS THIS AND RELATED MEDICAL GENOCIDES.
THIS OFFICIAL INDICTMENT condemns you for the mass killing and pharmaceutical enslaving of millions of people to AIDS, infectious cancers, and myriad immune system pathologies, resulting from your and your collaborators’ manipulations, creations, and disseminations of viruses, using genetic modifications and vaccinations, you conducted or abetted. You, along with your colleagues, including Dr. Robert Gallo, prostituting virologists and molecular biologists working for the National Cancer Institute, and paid by Litton Bionetics, a biological weapons contractor for the U.S. Military; having advanced the “Special Virus Cancer Program” during the late 1960s through the 1970s, are hereby held accountable to the People, and to God, for these crimes against humanity resulting in this global tragedy of the pandemic now called AIDS.
This indictment is served publicly and officially with accompanying evidence of the official contracts, actions taken, and payments made to you as published in the Special Virus Cancer Program’s Progress Reports that have now been made public through works by multiple experts acting as independent investigators.
This official indictment, served as a humanitarian action, prays to the Courts of Heaven and Earth, that you will be punished to the fullest extent of the Law, both man’s law and God’s, and that you be condemned for eternity for the mass slaughter and pharmaceutical enslavement of humanity to HIV/AIDS and other cancers linked to your loathsome labors.
Leonard G. Horowitz, DMD, MA, MPH, DNM, DMM
Diplomat, World Organization for Natural Medicine
Knighted Emissary, Sovereign Orthodox Order of Knights Hospitaller of St. John of Jerusalem, and
Overseer, The Royal Bloodline of David

Excerpted from Dr. Leonard Horowitz’s Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident or Intentional? (Read pp.120-125.)
Evidencing Dr. Peter Duesberg’s Special Virus Cancer Program Disinformation Agency in Opposing Dr. Robert Gallo in the “HIV ≠ AIDS” Fraud
Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H., D.N.M., D.M.M.
In the aftermath of Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s accusation that AIDS is a man-made genocidal weapon targeting mainly minority people, the matter of whether HIV-1, the “AIDS virus,” even exists has returned to the political center stage.
There are many people, like medical writers Peter Barry Chowka, Gary Null and Jon Rappoport, who advance Dr. Peter Duesberg’s theory that HIV-1 has nothing to do with AIDS. They complain of a massive cover-up directed by drug industrialists who profit from people popping pills to cure the many ills associated with the pandemic that has killed approximately 40 million people.
Duesberg proponents degrade anyone alleging that the virus even exists, a step beyond what even Duesberg argues. He says gay lifestyles and drug side effects are the root causes of the pandemic, and that most Third World victims are killed by diseases unrelated to AIDS or HIV.
Their argument is “standard counterintelligence propaganda,” I evidenced in several publications. I am far and away the most libeled authorities in public health anywhere in the world. People say, Dr. Andrew Wakefield tops that, but Dr. Wakefield has repeatedly defended vaccines and was, therefore, permitted to become the “poster boy” for discrediting all vaccine critics. This is standard operating procedure to “control opposition” securing the business of vaccincecide.
Alternatively, my publications, award-winning film UN-VAXXED: A Docu-commentary for Robert De Niro that I produced in support of Dr. Wakefield’s film VAXXED, and my book Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident or Intentional? has been grossly neglected–censored for “damage control”–especially after Barack Obama’s spiritual counsel, Rev. Wright directed the mainstream media to my book that scientifically evidences his charge that AIDS is an Anglo-American bioweapon used in a genocidal conspiracy.
Duesberg proponents degrade anyone alleging that the virus even exists, a step beyond what even Duesberg argues. He says gay lifestyles and drug side effects are the root causes of the pandemic, and that most Third World victims are killed by diseases unrelated to AIDS or HIV.
“This argument and actual conspiracy centers on Duesberg and his infamous collaborator, Dr. Robert Gallo, the alleged AIDS-virus discoverer,” I explained in radio interviews. “If you simply read their Special Virus Cancer Program contracts, and conference exchanges, you can learn the truth.”
In 1973, for example, Duesberg was asked by Gallo whether the genetic “Hot Spot” that caused cells to become cancerous was responding to an external or internal virus-like particle. As reprinted in my book (and above screenshot), Duesberg replied, “I think there is little doubt that Rous SV [mouse sarcoma virus] or AMV [bird virus] can be the cause of cancer.” Today Duesberg denies ever saying this.
I debated Duesberg three times on radio programs, and each time he diverted from his SVCP contract and exchange with Gallo recorded in the scientific literature.
“. . . [A]t least they cause chicken cancer,” Gallo added. “I think the information for carcinogensis may be packaged into only very special type-C RNA tumor viruses . . . which are oncogenic such as the wooly monkey simian sarcoma virus.”
“That is absolutely right.” Duesberg replied.
In essence, Gallo stated, and Duesberg acknowledged, that only “very special” retroviruses could be expected to produce AIDS-like immunosuppression and cancers, as this had already been proven in monkeys and other animals. In fact, AIDS-like viruses, they agreed, caused cancers in chickens and monkeys before they were modified to infect humans–the main purpose of the massive, yet secreted, Special Virus Cancer [SVCP Research] Program in which Gallo and Duesberg collaborated. I reprinted their contracts detailing precisely what they were paid to do to develop “novel” virus cancer triggers for the National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute (NCI). This hard evidence is what made Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola an American bestseller.
What Gallo did to monkeys, Duesberg did to chickens. Then they compared their cancer inductions. Both were paid a lot of money to create in their labs the very special viruses containing the very special enzyme, RNA-dependent DNA polymerase (i.e, Reverse Transcriptase), that produced the never-before-seen leukemia-lymphoma-sarcoma cancer complex associated with immune system failure. Then Gallo’s team got these viral mutants to jump species into humans.
From there, I evidenced Gallo’s team at Litton Bionetics shipping these very special viruses to New York and Philadelphia in chimpanzees used to produce the 1972-74 hepatitis B vaccines given to gay men in New York, Central Africa villagers, and Willowbrook State School mentally retarded children on Staten Island.
The rest is well known history, including the sudden closure of Willowbrook in 1976 due to documented “child abuse” by school officials who collaborated with researchers under a U.S. Army “experimental” vaccine research contract.
The significance of Duesberg’s contract was said to “provide important insight into the mechanism by which RNA tumor viruses bring about malignant transformation, and . . . the understanding of the causation and control of human neoplastic disease [i.e., cancer.]
Duesberg’s contract, that he repeatedly refused to discuss, was dated June, 1971, the precise time Henry Kissinger was advancing his African foreign policy depopulation strategy historically documented in the now declassified National Security Memorandum 200.
Most people might consider this political history as unrelated to Duesberg and Gallo’s collaboration in developing “special” viruses. (The word “special” in military circles connotes “secret.”) The fact is, however, that private company that paid Gallo and Duesberg’s salaries was directed by Dr. Kissinger’s White House colleague managing American industry, Roy Ash. Ash, the past president of Litton Industries, a major military weapons contractor, subsequently became a major Republican Party financier.
Roy Ash’s company, Litton Industries, owned Litton Bionetics, the Army’s sixth top biological weapons contractor during the early 1970s. Gallo and Duesberg were both paid by Bionetcs, and Gallo received his monkeys and chimpanzees from them as well. This is why the human AIDS virus, HIV-1, is so much like the chimpanzee strain of AIDS (i.e., SIVcpz) common sense and neglected science explains.
“So Duesberg is simply covering-up his intimate association with the people, program, and political policy that generated our global AIDS tragedy,” I concluded.
The AIDS-deniers working for the Deep State properly question the toxicity of AIDS drugs. Otherwise, they would have no basis for their thesis, or this obviously application of the Hegelian dialectic. That social engineering ploy puts one theory against another to generate controversy and confusion. Here, in this instance, Gallo creates the meme “HIV causes AIDS.” Duesberg generates the opposite “HIV does not cause AIDS.” Meanwhile, both divert from vaccine-induced plague and genocide. Simply stated, that’s how counter-intelligence and controlled opposition mainly operates.
Another diversion involves defaming the messenger rather than refuting the message. For instance, both Graves and I were smeared for pushing silver products.(Tetrasilver and Oxysilver) Peter Barry Chowka led this defamatory agency for the Deep State.
Chowka neglected to disclose the massive peer reviewed science proving silver hydrosols kill HIV and make all vaccinations, toxic immunizations, and poisonous expensive antibiotics obsolete. Gary Null and Jon Rappoport made sure they never provided any support for either Tetrasil or OxySilver.
Graves, an attorney who believed he had recovered from AIDS by volunteering for a study in which Tetrasil was prescribed orally, was critical of officials suppressing natural cures for AIDS, much like Rappoport, Maggiore, Chowka and Null. But because Graves focused on the SVCP that grossly discredited Duesberg he was shunned by the AIDS-deniers.
They did likewise to me. I explained most AIDS deaths are caused by secondary infections totally preventable and treatable with low cost covalently-bonded silver hydrosols taken internally. I heralded the benefits of oxygenation therapies outlawed in the U.S. like Basil Wainwright and his pioneering work infusing blood with oxygen. It didn’t matter that OxySilver was being used effectively in hospitals and clinics to combat AIDS and cancers in terminally ill patients, nor that we had donated massive amounts to African communities for which we were gratiously thanked. The HIV/AIDS-denying devil-doers had an agenda.
Chowka proudly cited his discrediting employ at the National Institutes of Health–the main sponsor of the SVCP money business. Chowka promoted his lucrative publishing career as a “reliable” “credentialed” AIDS dissident.
And that was something Gary Null, Jon Rappoport, and Christine Maggiore could not do. They could not advertise their academic credibility, because they held little to none. And that is why these Duesberg groupies aided-and-abetted mass murder by willful blindness, arrogance, and petty jealousy.
“Chowka downright lied,” I defended online. “He never once interviewed me, yet condemns me publicly for his fabrications.”
Yes, I do believe HIV is an infectious virus. Any vaccine-inoculated pathogen is infectious by definition. Inject a virus into your computer and see what happens. Only morons and propagandists claim HIV, a foreign man-made virus, injected into the human body is “harmless.”
Chowka also lied and diverted when he claimed that I believe HIV is sexually transmitted. “I never once said this, or wrote this,” I defended. The Duesberg counter-intelligence squad knew I believe HIV is primarily a vaccine transmitted co-factor that could trigger AIDS like the tipping point on a scale.
The AIDS-deniers knew enough to evade Dr. Garth Nicholson’s work, and Dr. John Martin’s work. These men’s honorable science vetting secondary and tertiary viral infections that further weakened victims’ immune systems, including mycoplasma, as VERY important. Neglecting them, as the AIDS-deniers did, evidenced complicity in organized crime.
“I believe ‘sexual transmission’ is a distraction from vaccination genocide,” I regularly reported. “Their propaganda blames victims of AIDS rather than those responsible for creating it for profit and population control.”
Dr. Peter Duesberg INDICTED in AIDS Genocide Plot, Cover Up
DR. PETER DUESBERGServed Publicly, May 22, 2008, on theGenesis Communications Network
Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H., D.N.M., D.M.M.
<Listen to Radio Broadcast w. Commentary by Dr. Graves>
I, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, respecting and representing thousands of scientists and physicians worldwide whose voices have been neglected and silenced; as a Diplomat for the World Organization for Natural Medicine; as a representative of God, Knighted emissary for the Sovereign Orthodox Order of Knights Hospitaller of St. John of Jerusalem, and as a Levitical priest in the bloodlines of Moses and YaHShuaH, the Messiah, I hereby INDICT YOU, Dr. Peter Duesberg, FOR THE DEATHS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WORLDWIDE, THROUGH YOUR ROLES IN THE CREATION OF AIDS AS WELL AS THE DISINFORMATION THAT SUSTAINS THIS AND RELATED MEDICAL GENOCIDES.
THIS OFFICIAL INDICTMENT condemns you for the mass killing and pharmaceutical enslaving of millions of people to AIDS, infectious cancers, and myriad immune system pathologies, resulting from your and your collaborators’ manipulations, creations, and disseminations of viruses, using genetic modifications and vaccinations, you conducted or abetted. You, along with your colleagues, including Dr. Robert Gallo, prostituting virologists and molecular biologists working for the National Cancer Institute, and paid by Litton Bionetics, a biological weapons contractor for the U.S. Military; having advanced the “Special Virus Cancer Program” during the late 1960s through the 1970s, are hereby held accountable to the People, and to God, for these crimes against humanity resulting in this global tragedy of the pandemic now called AIDS.
This indictment is served publicly and officially with accompanying evidence of the official contracts, actions taken, and payments made to you as published in the Special Virus Cancer Program’s Progress Reports that have now been made public through works by multiple experts acting as independent investigators.
This official indictment, served as a humanitarian action, prays to the Courts of Heaven and Earth, that you will be punished to the fullest extent of the Law, both man’s law and God’s, and that you be condemned for eternity for the mass slaughter and pharmaceutical enslavement of humanity to HIV/AIDS and other cancers linked to your loathsome labors.
Leonard G. Horowitz, DMD, MA, MPH, DNM, DMM
Diplomat, World Organization for Natural Medicine
Knighted Emissary, Sovereign Orthodox Order of Knights Hospitaller of St. John of Jerusalem, and
Overseer, The Royal Bloodline of David