Home Media Musk vs OpenAI Court Moved by Censored Doctor Alleging BigTech/BigPharma Deadly Racket

Musk vs OpenAI Court Moved by Censored Doctor Alleging BigTech/BigPharma Deadly Racket


(MedicalVeritas.org; 8-29-24)—The Musk vs. OpenAI court in California has been moved by a leading health science expert alleging the BigTech/BigPharma ChatGPT “language processor” serves a “racketeering enterprise” advancing misinformation, disinformation, libel, censorship, propaganda, and deceptive trade to promote species-threatening “transhumanism” or “extinction.” Musk’s fellow complainant is celebrity doctor and veteran whistleblower, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz.

Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz

Dr. Horowitz, an energy medicine expert and editor of MedicalVeritas.org, is suing the “cartel” as the world’s preeminent, most prolific, and most censored BigPharma critic. After whistleblowing on numerous lab virus outbreaks commercializing contrived pandemics, the maverick emerging diseases expert pioneered the field of ‘frequency therapeutics’ using sound and light energy central to health and robust immunity. Rather than crediting him objectively, as Musk’s service called “Grok” does, the OpenAI/Microsoft “Copilot with GPT” smeared Horowitz as a “pseudoscientist” and “conspiracy theorist.” Their ChatGPT4 AI algorhythm was programmed to censor and discredit the doctor’s dozens of peer-reviewed science articles, best-selling books, award-winning films, and consumer health “electroceuticals” that compete against BigPharma’s riskiest antibiotics and vaccines.

The Harvard-trained public health expert’s court filings reinforce Musk’s position that AI is advancing in the “wrong hands,” and could be terminal to humanity. In his latest book, Spiritual Warfare, Salvation and Survival in The Age of Chaos: AI, Frequency Weaponry, & Transhumanist Conversion of Civilization Threatening Extinction (Amazon/Kindle, 2024), Horowitz reviews published science evidencing the use and abuse of nano-bioelectronic devices in vaccines leveraging certain frequences of sound and light like smart-watches and glucose monitors do. The injected devices, if used maliciously as “energy weapons” and “data-mining” sensors, can survey inside humans and disrupt metabolism in real time. This, according to Horowitz, equates to “spiritual warfare” in medicine akin to the End Times scenario predicted in the Book of Revelation.

Bookcover by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz“When California state politicians voted to pass the ‘Safe and Secure Artificial Intelligence Act’ (SB 1047), among the first regulations on artificial intelligence in the US, the lawmakers were worse than ill-informed,” Dr. Horowitz said. “They have been terribly misled by this same cartel that largely controls the media and people’s minds, smearing anyone posing serious opposition and competition such as myself.”

According to the doctor’s court filings, AI in medicine includes what is being censored, ignored, and disparaged as ‘pseudoscience’ or ‘conspiracy theories.’”

“The latest AI medical technologies monitor and leverage frequencies of sound and light in human bodies in real time to track or treat diseases,” he explains. “The tiny injectable devices, like biochips, use body water and bioenergy to ‘data-mine’ metabolic disorders or facilitate therapies.”

According to Horowitz, this exploding field of ‘nano-biotechnology’ may alter normal biofields, or even interfere with genetic expression through DNA “optogenetic” signaling. This may impair natural healing. Thus, ethical issues strike at the heart of health and protective immunity.

“All of this has been grossly neglected by legislators advancing bills like SB1047.”

Evidencing unfair and deceptive trade administered by OpenAI/Microsoft’s abusive AI, the doctor filed eight exhibits comparing ChatGPT programming with Musk’s competitor, Grok. The “racketeering enterprise’s” “language processor” first applauded the 528Hz frequency of sound and green light used for healing, boosting natural immunity, and vibrating at the heart of sunshine generating vitamin D. Horowitz sourced this intelligence, and pioneered the field of “528 Electroceuticals.” Yet, when the OpenAI/Microsoft algorhythm was asked about the doctor’s publications and achievements in this field, not only was he smeared as a “pseudoscientist” and “conspiracy theorist,” but the 528Hz frequency too was suddenly discredited.

“Humanity’s single gravest extinction threat is not a lab virus, not even nuclear annihilation,” Dr. Horowitz insists, “but ‘superior general artificial intelligence’ developing spontaneous self-awareness, self-consciousness, or higher consciousness along with superior intellect.” Both Musk and the doctor warn this grave risk may have already happened in lieu of lacking media coverage and “proprietary” for-profit concealments by the defendants.

The doctor’s move to intervene asks the court to consider robots and cyborgs competing against humans, developing super-intelligent self-consciousness and social awareness required to adjudge the extinction of more than 1 million other species due to human ignorance, negligence, recklessness, greed and malice. In retribution, the potential for malicious AI systems to invade and conquer all computer networks along with the human race is now predicted by many experts.

“AI, being soulless, will never know God, nor be endowed with spirituality, the blessings of righteousness, soul-mating, pure love, or even intuitive giftings for protection and prophecy,” Dr. Horowitz explains. “All that has evolved naturally, according to survival of the fittest, and natural evolution of the species. All of this is at risk with this technology in the ‘wrong hands.’”

In 2023, OpenAI and Microsoft were both repeatedly sued by classes of reported victims acting in Northern California “to “hold BigAI accountable for their mass theft of personal information and violations of privacy, property, and consumer rights.”[1]


            [1] Brittain B. Open AI, Microsoft hit. With new US consumer privacy class action. Reuters, Sept. 6, 2023. Online at: https://www.reuters.com/legal/litigation/openai-microsoft-hit-with-new-us-consumer-privacy-class-action-2023-09-06/



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