Mainstream Media Hype and Concealment of Science Won’t Help Fight Zika
Maryam Henein
CEO of Honey Colony
Thanks to sloppy reporting, fear-mongering, conflicts of interest, and algorithmic decisions, Zika – a once-upon-a-time unpopular and relatively benign virus – has quickly become a rising star of menace and malformations.
In record time, the mosquito-born Zika has reportedly spread to three dozen countries, and health organizations are now predicting it may infect as many as three to four million people within a year.
Zika is being described as a global epidemic, but it’s actually the perfect cover for big business – a convenient and brilliant way to generate profits and curb overpopulation.
Thanks to Zika, governments and their investors have conveniently upped the ante on (supposed) protection by poison.
“Given the magnitude of the Zika crisis,” the WHO stated and encouraged “affected countries and their partners to boost the use of both old and new approaches to mosquito control as the most immediate line of defense.”
The Aedes aegypti strain, as it turns out, is an “aggressive daytime biting mosquito,” clever and quite “opportunistic.” “Females,” state the WHO “often use ‘sneak attacks, approaching victims from behind and biting on ankles and elbows, which likely protects them from being noticed and getting slapped.”
Consequently we are now:
- Sending rapid-response teams to fumigate the shit out of affected regions, including areas that are oftentimes impoverished.
- Increasing the spraying of poisons inside flight cabins;
- Conducting aerial spraying despite the probability of resistance and drift.
- Getting ready to deploy millions more GMO mosquitoes (thanks in part to the World Health Organization and a little known commercial enterprise centered at Oxford);
- Telling humans not to procreate (lest they give birth to babies with brain defects)
- Accelerating the race to develop a Zika vaccine. (Obama has already issued a whopping $1.3 billion to advance research.) At least 15 groups are on the case, and clinical trials are expected to commence within a year to 18 months).
The CDC is even considering reviving DDT, according to one director.
You may think you’re a global citizen, armed with knowledge, and that governments have your back; but nothing can be further from the truth.
Consider who benefits from generating diseases and death.
For instance, the WHO is privately owned. They call themselves an agency, but Bloomberg and others call them a company. In 2010 -2011, their approved budget was $4.5 billion!
“The regulatory aspects of health organizations have been captured along with the capability of protecting We The People,” explains Dr. Leonard Horowitz, an expert in emerging diseases and author of Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident or Intentional? “They have been captured by what I call the ‘Military Medical Petrochemical Pharmaceutical Banking Cartel.’”
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Here are 4 other factors you probably don’t know about Zika.
1. Rockefellers: From African Forest To Online Shopping Cart
Despite CNN reports, Zika is not a “relatively new” virus. Two Scotsmen, virologist George Dick and entomologist Alexander Haddow, discovered Zika almost 70 years ago in a forest near Entebbe, Uganda.
That same year, the virus was extracted from a Rhesus Monkey and deposited with the Rockefeller Foundation. Later it was licensed to the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC), a company that sells germs to vaccine makers and bioweapons contractors worldwide. Today, the Zika virus is a commodity that can be purchased for only 599 euros.
Strangely, there have been no cases of Zika with birth defects in Africa where the virus was discovered. Also, there have been no cases of microcephaly in any country affected by Zika other than Brazil, such as Colombia, which has the highest incidence of the virus after Brazil.
2. Connect the Dots: No Real Link
Despite what the media and health organizations suggest, there is no veritable link between Zika and microcephaly.
“… A causal link between Zika infection in pregnancy and microcephaly has not, and I must emphasize, has not been established,” WHO General Director Margaret Chan said in an announcement to the WHO’s executive board. She then added that “the circumstantial evidence is suggestive [of a link] and extremely worrisome.”
There are others who are much closer to Brazil, Zika’s epicenter, who are also stating that there is no correlation.
“There is no direct evidence that the virus causes microcephaly,” affirms Dr. Patricia Pestana Garcez, a neurodevelopmental expert who studies microcephaly at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
Upon further examination initial reports linking Zika and Microcepahly amongst patients were inaccurate, confers Dr. Wallace Ransom, an epidemiologist who has worked for the Centers for Disease Control.
It was the Brazilian Ministry of Health that quickly linked incomplete brain development to Zika, ignoring key factors such as the chemical model for vector control. Keep in mind that the Revolving Door is alive and spinning in Latin America too. Government employees used to work for global companies that manufacture and sell poisons.
Typically, Zika causes flu-like symptoms that are often mistaken for other arbovirus infections such as dengue or chikungunya. Symptoms include low-grade fever, myalgia, headache, retro-orbital pain, conjunctivitis, and a rash – not defects and brain deformations.
Meanwhile, microcephaly, which presents in babies with abnormally small heads due to incomplete brain development, is usually caused by an attack on the fetal brain. Causes may be alcohol abuse, a heavy blow to the body, or toxic exposure to a vaccine or pesticide. Not a bug bite.
A report issued by Physicians in the Crop-Sprayed Villages notes that in December 2013, during the Zika epidemic in French Polynesia, an increase in cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome was also detected. This neurological paralysis is often linked to immune disruption generated by viruses, vaccines and/or environmental toxins.
To reiterate, as of today, there is no definitive proof that Zika is related to microcephaly. (For those scientists who are sounding the alarm because Zika is showing up in pee, blood, amniotic fluid, and semen, let’s remind ourselves that humans have been cohabitating with viruses for eons.)
3. Bugging Out: GMO Mosquitoes
The WHO remarked that Zika “appears to have changed in character.” Apparently. But exactly how did Zika’s genetic make-up magically mutate? There has been no official explanation.
Could the recent rash of microcephaly cases – reminiscent of the thalidomide scandal of the late ‘50s and ‘60s – be an experiment gone wrong?
In 2014, a British company called Oxitec, along with the University of São Paulo and Moscamed, released 15 million GMO mosquitoes in Brazil in a purported effort to rid the world of the Aedes aegypti mosquito strain, responsible for spreading Dengue–a close cousin to Zika and the most common mosquito-borne virus.
Researchers inserted a lethal gene in male mosquitoes with the hopes they would mate with wild females; their offspring would die spontaneously, soon after becoming a larvae, unless something in their environment interfered. In this case, the antibiotic tetracycline trumps the terminator gene.
I guess researchers didn’t account for the antibiotic’s prevalence in our environment, especially Brazil, and the very real possibility that it could actually increase the survival rate of the GMO mosquito. This means that a certain percentage of these modified freak mosquitoes didn’t die, but likely mated, perhaps even with other modified freak mosquitoes. (By the way, the mosquito population can be reduced with simple solutions, such as improving water supply and garbage collection systems).
Overall, depending on whom you ask, the experiment was a failure. And oops, in the process, we may have altered and mutated the Zika strain into an extremely pathogenic, neurological-destroying virus, delivered by a clever and opportunistic insect.
“Think about it,” says Horowitz, “Viral vaccines are often made from attenuated viruses. In this case, researchers may have determined that Zika (a weaker strain of dengue) would be an effective means in immunizing people against dengue.”
“If you wanted to inject an experimental weakened strain you could go to a dengue fever infected population, such as Brazil, to do this experiment,” adds Horowitz. “It’s very plausible that they’ve injected toxic genes that can go through the placenta and enter the fetus’s brain and cause degeneration of the neurology, [which then] affects the embryological development of fetuses and the malformation of the brain and cranium itself.”
You may be thinking this all sounds effin nuts but the notion of swapping out vaccine needles for mosquito bites has been entertained before. Bill and Melinda Gates, for instance, are fans of flying geo-engineered vaccines and have funded efforts to bring this to fruition.
Around the time Oxitec et al were preparing to release GMO mosquitoes, three researchers in the Journal of Epidemiology and Infection warned how inoculating humans with a dengue fever vaccine induced a higher than normal chance of inducing antibodies.
In that study, writes Horowitz, mosquito control increased cases of dengue fever (DF), as well as the more life-threatening dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), in areas of high-mosquito density where people had been exposed to dengue virus from earlier bites or vaccinations.
I think this is the opposite effect companies like Oxitec are officially going for, although Horowitz disagrees while evidencing the commercial network linked to Oxitec now poised to earn billions from “GMO mosquito control,” new vaccines, pesticides, and more.
“I know some of my concerns are too frightening for ‘normal’ people to consider, but genocides most often escape public perception and remedial action before its too late, courtesy of propaganda and the media. Fear and denial mechanisms in most humans make loving civilization most susceptible to being duped and depopulated.”
Ironically, even if Horowitz is wrong, GMO mosquitoes are one of the solutions being called upon to solve the Zika pandemonium.
4. Monsanto Connection: Poisonous Water
Another viable reason for the increase in birth defects in Brazil lies in the water. In June 2014, the Ministry of Health began adding a larvicide called Pyroproxyfen to reservoirs, starting in the state of Pernambuco, where the proliferation of the Aedes aegypti mosquito is very high. Pernambuco was also the first state to report incidences of microcephaly.
This pyriproxyfen poison, which was created by Sumitomo Chemical, a Monsanto subsidiary, comes with a recommendation by the WHO. On its website, Sumitomo says Sumilarv (its marketed name), “not only poses minimal risk to mammals, birds and fish,” it can also be applied to drinking water. Drink up!
But let’s make no mistake, they’re adding a growth inhibitor, which alters the development process of larva-pupa-adult, thus generating malformations in developing mosquitoes and causing their death or incapacity. Sound familiar?
“Malformations detected in thousands of children from pregnant women living in areas where the Brazilian state added pyriproxyfen to drinking water is not a coincidence,” reads a report written by Physicians in the Crop-Sprayed Towns.
The report adds, “Evolution from zygote to embryo, from embryo to fetus and from fetus to newborn, is not far from the development process of the mosquito affected by pyriproxyfenin humans, 60 percent of our active genes are identical to those of insects such as the Aedes mosquito.”
Brazil’s southernmost state Rio Grande do Sul has just suspended the use of this poison.
Doctors from the Brazilian Association for Collective Health (ABRASCO) demand that urgent epidemiological studies taking into account this causal link be carried out. But the government firmly denies any link
Depopulation, Death, And Disease
Perhaps all these factors serve as a perfect storm of defects, death and disease. According to the WHO, this Zika catastrophe, which has been grossly exaggerated, is due in part to the collapse in the late ’60s of mosquito control programs.
“As so often happens in public health, when a health threat subsides, the control program dies. Resources dwindled, … infrastructures dismantled, and fewer specialists were trained and deployed. The mosquitoes – and the diseases they transmit –roared back with a vengeance.”
But critics, such as those cited in the Physicians in the Crop-Sprayed Towns, tell a very different story. They believe that areas, such as in Brazil, have experienced the mass usage of chemical poisons for the past 40 years with no results while “epidemics, poverty, social marginalization, deforestation, and climate change” continue to multiply.
As long as we wage war on the mosquito, the poisoning will continue at the expense of our health. Malathion (toxic to humans and bees) spraying in Brazil, Chlorpyrifos (shown to affect the developing brain of fetus and newborns) in Paraguay, Pyrethroids, (banned elsewhere) in Argentina. And the list goes on
“The idea of poisoning to produce healing is literally psychopathic,” says Horowitz. “It’s insane. As is the extent that human beings have been persuaded to believe this all because the supposed gods of science have spoken.”