Home Vaccinecide COVID Cancer Induction: Stealth Virus Gain-of-Function Bioweaponized Genetic Payload and Spike Protein...

COVID Cancer Induction: Stealth Virus Gain-of-Function Bioweaponized Genetic Payload and Spike Protein Mutagenesis Prompting Immunopathologies


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Acta Scientifica Medical Sciences, a peer reviewed journal, published this article, in press at the time of this post. The title is: “Covid Cancer Induction: “Stealth Virus” Gain-Of-Function Bioweaponized Genetic Payload And Spike Protein Mutagenesis Prompting Immunopathologies”.  Please click on the below URL to view this valuable article online at the journal. https://actascientific.com/ASMS-8-7.php

Aside from publishing this important article, ASMS has promoted it on the LinkedIn profile, wherein you can share and comment for better reach : https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sunitha-b-actamedicalsciences_covid-cancer-induction-activity-7216333327794876417-MihT?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
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Ms. Nidhi Gupta (Managing Editor)

AS Medical Sciences Journal

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