Home 528 Frequency Risky Vaccines and Antibiotics Made Obsolete by 528 Electroceuticals’ “Plasmonics”: Gold and...

Risky Vaccines and Antibiotics Made Obsolete by 528 Electroceuticals’ “Plasmonics”: Gold and Silver Resonance Cures Illnesses with Subtle Energy


Study Advances NASA Science ‘Greening’ Big Pharma

with “528 Electroceuticals”

(MedicalVeritas.org; January 16, 2024)—Vaccines and antibiotics under fire for damaging side effects are being replaced by safer and effective “528 electroceuticals” that boost immunity by sending subtle energy to the body from gold and silver, says the latest peer-reviewed study published in Acta Scientifica Medical Sciences Journal by industry pioneer, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz. Promising to replace cancer chemotherapies as well, the “game changing” report, titled “528 Frequency: The ‘Gold Standard’ in Energy Medicine,” reviews the latest discoveries in the “good vibrations” of precious metals, encouraging using “528 Electroceuticals” to boost natural immunity and cure diseases by resonating at the “528 frequency” of gold and magnesium, at the heart of green chlorophyll in plants.

528 energy and its therapeutic properties represent a new paradigm in medicine advanced by biotechnology leveraging gold and silver’s newly discovered ‘good vibrations’ called “plasmonic resonance.” Plasmonics is the science that measures the subtle frequencies of energy broadcasting from surfaces of materials, such as the Nobel metals gold and silver.

As it turns out, the green plant color of 528 frequency resonates at the heart of curative sunshine, rainbows, and magnesium-laced chlorophyll. They all broadcast the “good vibrations” of 528 frequencies of light and sound energy primarily. Pure gold does likewise according to recent plasmonic studies. This can positively impact body water, genetic expression, and natural immunity against myriad diseases, according to Dr. Horowitz’s scientific literature review.

Pure gold precisely emits 528 frequency of sound and light energy, while pure silver broadcasts its coherent ‘harmonic’ resonance energy mate, namely 417 frequencies.  The two precious metals, gold and silver, vibe very together well. Quantum physics and biophysics explains their interactions inside the body, especially in the brain, immune system, and central nervous system.

This knowledge is applied clinically, for example, using ‘binaural acoustic stimulation’ to treat anxiety, insomnia and failing memory. You can try this yourself using good quality stereo headphones by clicking on the audio player below.

Advancing nano-biotechnologies similarly impact ‘electro-genetics’ and DNA expression.

These advances can boost natural immunity, like magnesium does through plant chlorophyll, by generating oxygen and increasing antioxidant activity. This helps defeat infectious diseases and cancers similarly, via energy impacting biochemistry and overall health.

This information has given rise to the new exploding field of “electroceuticals” that compete against Big Pharma’s drugs and vaccines. 528 frequency plasmonic knowhow is now being used to “green medicine.”


528 Electroceuticals

Years ago, Dr. Horowitz pioneered this industry through NASA science keeping astronauts healthy in space. He commercialized a vibrating silver-oxygen nutraceutical vaccine and antibiotic alternative called “OxySilverTM with 528.” Far safer and more powerful than colloidal silver solutions, OxySilver’s broad-spectrum antimicrobial and immune boosting capability modeled electroceutical developments, and at the same time evolved the natural healing arts and sciences.

Adding 528 frequency supercharged water to the NASA formula enhanced its medical benefits. The doctor caused nano-silver bonded to oxygen in therapeutic solutions to vibrate in the pure energy of 24-carat gold and magnesium at the heart of life-giving, oxygen generating, green chlorophyll broadcasting plants.


It is widely known that sunshine, aside from generating vitamin D and curing neonatal jaundice, kills germs, such as deadly viruses, including HIV/AIDS and COVID-19.

During the 1930s, world leading microscopist, Royal Raymond Rife, observed that viruses and bacteria could be destroyed by frequencies of sound and light. He alerted J. Edgar Hoover at the FBI to no avail. Subsequently, a grass-roots industry developed using “Rife machines” to add energy to ailing bodies to treat myriad diseases, including cancers linked to viruses.

By the 1970s, the medical uses of gold and silver advanced to cure skin diseases and myriad infections. Silver was recognized as an outstanding antibiotic and water purifier. So in 2006, when Dr. Horowitz was solicited to brand NASA’s “silver hydrosol” invention, he refused unless manufacturers agreed to add 528Hz frequency sound and 528nm of green light to the formula. Officials agreed, and the doctor launched “OxySilverTM with 528” (HealthyWorldShop.com) as the first commercial “electroceutical” promptly defeating colds and flus.

Bible Code Confirmation

The Harvard-trained doctor and metaphysician was not ahead of his time. He was actually millennia behind what was encrypted in the Bible. The miraculous healing, rejuvenating, and sustaining power of gold’s 528 frequency, and silver’s coherent 417 harmonic resonance, was buried in a Bible code decrypted in the doctor’s bestselling book, Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse (1998; Amazon/Kindle). Therein, his colleague, Dr. Joseph Puleo, searched for the original “Solfeggio” musical scale. Those frequencies of sound were used in the Hymn to St. John the (Water) Baptist. They were known to generate the most spiritually-uplifting and soul-inspiring music of all time.

There were six (6) notes secreted in that scale for more than 1500 years. In the Bible’s Book of Numbers (7:12-83), there are six repeating verses adjacent verse numbers that reveal the Solfeggio scale pattern, and identify the gold and silver energy resonance of 528 and 417 frequencies. These two ‘pure tones’ are designated “RE” for silver’s “REsonance,” and “MI” for gold’s “MIracles.” Subsequently, Horowitz applied this knowledge and the Hebrew gematria to determine “528” translates to “The Key” of the “house of David” (Isaiah 22:22; Rev. 3:6-9) used to tune King David’s healing harp that reportedly calmed people and soothed souls. Since Dr. Horowitz’s publication, Solfeggio music has exploded internationally, including on the Internet and in religious chants using the 417 and 528 frequencies emanating as silver and gold’s plasmonic energy.

These scientific and bible code revelations confirmed the doctor’s therapeutic recommendations over the past quarter century. The energy medicine scholar concluded that the 528 frequency is “pure tone LOVE,” akin to the “Chi Energy” or “Life Force” in Eastern theologies, as well as the “Holy Spirit” in Western religions. He insists that 528 “[loving] heart [chakra] energy” naturally broadcasts during faithful prayer impacting cells and tissues positively through superconductive body water. According to the most advanced science, this kind of therapy leverages plasmonic and quantum energy from 528 green light and coherent sound fundamental to gold, silver, chlorophyll, and magnesium’s curative values.

“Pure LOVE is considered the ‘Universal Healer,’ Dr. Horowitz explains. Music is the ‘Universal Language.’ And water is the ‘Universal Solvent.’ Add prayer power to this combination of therapeutic elements and you have an outstanding treatment regimen that kills pathogens, restores normal genetic expression, and extends life energetically, that is, ‘bio-spiritually’.”

As biotechnologies increasingly merge computers, AI and humans,” the doctor predicts, “these revelations about 528 being the ‘gold standard in energy medicine’ will increasingly inspire myriad social, economic, and environmental health benefits, much like OxySilverTM with 528 has successfully done as a remedy for colds and flus.”

As damaging side effects from chemotherapies and adverse reactions to vaccinations compel safer and effective alternatives, 528 breakthroughs are now ‘greening medicine’. Clinical applications are addressing concerns about mutating viruses and antibiotic-resistant strains. Environmental risks from water polluting drugs add incentive to follow the lead modeled by Dr. Horowitz’s “528 Electroceuticals.”

A downloadable copy of the doctor’s science paper is available on MedicalVeritas.org.




Note to Journalists: Dr. Horowitz may be contacted for interviews on this topic by e-mailing Editor@MedicalVeritas.org.


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